- Canadian asian dude - Has no life - Speed/Stamina/SV main - Cat/fox addict - Sucks at mapping - Is terrible at mapping - Uses keybinds zx,. - May randomly pop up in people's twitch streams - Has way too many plushies for his own good - Anime weeb - Kyaru best waifu - Is practicing 7k - Plays Arcaea (peak ptt: 12.86, ID: 206 873 618), Phigros (16.54), and Dynamix - Has 1st FC on polyriddim in Canada - Broke his spacebaronetimelmaowhatadumbassloser
Peak Global Rank: #460 Peak Global Rank (4k specific): #73 Peak Country Rank: #9 Peak Country Rank (4k specific): #2 Peak PP play: Rebirth the End 96.60% 922pp Peak PP: 14336pp Peak PP (4k specific): 14336pp Peak PP (7k specific): 3496pp # of 900+pp plays ever made: 1 # of 800+pp plays ever made: 3 # of 700+pp plays ever made: 14 # of 600+pp plays ever made: 35 # of 500+pp plays ever made: 143
Twitch:slick9696 Youtube:Slick6969 Discord: slick6969 Twitter: I'm not braindead MyAnimeList:Slick6969 (cuz y not) osu!:Slick6969 (why is this even necessary) ROBLOX:codychanisawesome (oh my god) Musescore:Slick6969 (this is literally useless) Address:Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down (no way) Reddit:Slick6969 (please stop) TikTok: I'm not braindead x2