Please read my rules and preferences below before submitting to the queue. (G, R)
General Rules & Information Every queue has its own rules, be sure you read it thoroughly and understand my intentions
Submit 4K mania beatmaps only This is a mania BN queue after all, I hope we are on the same page. I'm only taking 4K beatmaps only at this time!
Your beatmap is finished and at utmost quality for checks It'd be convenient if you submit a finished set to this queue, no one likes to check something that's not guaranteed up to quality.
Your map MUST abide osu!'s Content usage permissions It is a rule that songs used must be allowable by the artist as per the list provided in the Content usage permissions page. If I find out you submitted something not permitted, you will be banned for the duration of this round and next round from the queue.
Be sure the HS difficulty is uploaded If your map is hitsounded, it is important to have the HS file uploaded or at the very least linked somewhere in the beatmap discussion! It'd be challenging to check the hitsounds without the source.
Your mapset has at least 5 hypes (or at least try to during the process!) Believe it or not, we can't nominate the set if it doesn't have 5 hypes, the button will just not appear. We also won't be hyping your mapset for you, so go earn those hypes!
Be patient and don't be stubborn It takes a while to shift through multiple beatmaps and do thorough checks, so please bear with me. I'll get to your submission eventually! It's okay to check up on me every once in a while for my progress.
You MAY request me multiple maps I don't mind you requesting me multiple maps to increase your chances of getting a map accepted, just don't spam like 5 in a row. Make sure the picks have variety because chances are if I reject a concept, the other one with similar properties will be as well.
Inquire me if you want information regarding your map's status If your map was accepted or rejected, you can PM me if you want the reason why I made the decision. I don't hand them out to every map anymore to save up time checking through batches of maps during rounds, so I prefer giving them out for the people who want them. If you're curious how far I've gotten checking your map, you may also ask me!
Done reading? You can submit your beatmap on google forms here. After that, you can view the status of your submission in this trello!
❌ NOT PREFERRED Anime, Hardcore Rhythm Game Artists (USAO, Camellia, ReeK, etc.)
✅✅✅ HUGE PREFERENCE K-Pop, J-Pop, Artcore, Future Bounce/Bass, Synthpop, D&B (Monstercat Stuff), Video Game OSTs (UNDERTALE, DELTARUNE, etc.)
✅ PREFERRED Melodic Hardstyle, Color Bass, Jazz, Psytrance
❌ NOT PREFERRED Hardcore, Extratone, Rock, Metal
Beatmap Style ✅ ACCEPTABLE Basic LN, Rice, Chordjack, Light Dump, Hybrid Maps with vocal priority Maps with melodic priority
❌ NOT PREFERRED High SR & Dense Maps
❌❌❌ BANNED Full Inverse, Farm, SV
General The song is from the FA Listing (refer back to my song preferences) and or associated with Mappers' Guild
I much prefer checking maps around this range as this is my comfortable skill range 1.0* ~ 5.5*
I prefer checking maps with these drain time depending on the set type Single Diff Marathon: <5:00 Spread (1-3 Difficulties): <3:00 Spread (5+ Difficulties): <2:00