imagine you are playing, mapping, being included in some major tournaments management team, did some research and programming, composing at the same time (real)
index is preferred as a foreign nickname, but you can call me ln (or another L word if you are my thai friend)
I can speak Thai, English and practicing Bahasa Melayu. Jika kamu dari Malaysia atau Indonesia, rasa bebas untuk cakap dengan saya menggunakan Bahasa Melayu atau Indonesia. Terima kasih!
- Feel free to do so and I am really encouraging it! I would be really happy if you also notify me about usage of my songs! - For some remixes, eg. Unwelcome School, far in the blue sky or Lagtrain, feel free to map it but the original artists may have rights to these remixes.
You can use or edit my maps without permission, but there are some conditions you need to ask me for the permission 1. The map is not solo-set, in this case you need to ask the other collaborators of the maps too. 2. The map is in the pack, or in other words, has not been uploaded as a single-set difficulty. 3. The map is in the "for rank" status, I need to know in advance to not break your tournament client by accident 4. The map is storyboarded with association to other tournaments, for example, GALAXY_FRAGMENTATION, or After Altale
But if you ask me for a permission, I will probably come to your showcase stream if I'm not sleeping at that moment
If I don't respond within one day, please contact me via email ( or discord (indexerror) instead
Please CC me for ownership when you reupload/edit my maps for tournaments, you're free to do any edits on my maps
I would like to tell the additional information regarding uploading my maps for other games (Quaver, Etterna, FFR, etc.)
- You need to ask me for a permission to use my map in the game - You need to also ask the artist for permission for the usage of their songs in the game.
the reflection still reminded me to look through the horizon.
I quitted competitive osu!mania play after 3rd September 2022
Graduating from osu! actually makes sense, I am mostly inactive in playing and mapping now but still doing work affiliated with some tournaments and I will graduate from osu! in 2025 due to my life responsibilities. For sure, I will still hang out with some people in a community and still being able to receive the commissions from tournaments.
It's important to focus if you're going to play release LN, release estimation is also important. Mostly I do not know the "exact" distances of releases, I used approximations to check, like, this one I need to release faster than that one or so.
for inverse, there are two types of it - Inverse that its density is rice density with high bpm (dense jumpstream, handstream, etc.) just press it like rice and you will be fine (I called that cheesing) - Inverse that its density is LN gap. You need to put tension on your fingers (stick them with the keyboard lol), this type of LN mostly don't have many density rice so you might be fine doing that There are a few more tricks to do inverse - You need to look at the space between LNs, it makes you read easier - You need to be focus if the bpm is not high enough, like 130-160 is still not enough for you to cheese the LN inverse, in that case, press it like releases - You need to start playing inverse with mid bpm jumpstream, it would be easier to control