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Ended up making the jumps smaller cause in the end I figured that it was smoother
I made increased the OD to 8 and decreased the HP to 5.8. Hopefully this will give players a chance to recover from some missed notes ^^;
As for the unnecessary jumps, its the hardest diff and a upbeat part of the song too
I tend to find myself only using parts of the screen and yes I do know this is an issue, I guess it's just my issue though because I can't seem to find a solution. Should I just force myself onto this? Most of my notes aren't forced and instead I find it to flow in that direction. I understand the intensity part, but I feel like the beat overall of 01:43:651 to 01:58:420 is pretty intense, just not as intense. I will rework this part of the map to seem more... fitting.
Okay nevermind I just buffed the slider spacing and kept the same jumps.
I fixed it so that the jumps builds up rather than maintains a stable jump rate. It fits with the beat more. As for the sliders, they got spacing buffed.
Must've deleted it by accident, thanks!
This had also bothered me, but I didn't know how to make them not seem so clumped up. I changed the positions of the notes so that it looks like there is some sort of spacing, but now I think it doesn't flow as well. Might remap that part.
I understand, I will space them more to make it fit the rhythm. It looks a bit more intense, unless this does not fit well either, I am open to suggestions!
I personally disagree. It indeed does fold around the 4th note which looks clean, but I will have to improvise for the spacing between the 2nd slider and 4th note to look cleaner. Not only that, the sliders look a bit off. I will keep this into consideration though. For now, I changed it so that both sliders are equally around the 4th hit circle.
I see what you're getting at, but the part after that is something less boring than sliders. I only have this part to spice things up and to increase the difficulty. If it comes to be a problem then I will for sure change it!
I was planning on changing this too, this helped a lot!
I see what you mean. Fixed it!
It is on the left of both 8 and 4,5,6 now. I think this still creates that snappy feeling from 7 to 8, which I personally like.
Nerfed 3, its shorter and easier to hit now.
Spacing nerfed, made it easier to hit.
I understand where you come from with the confusion part, I instead replaced it with sliders and a mini spaced jump to indicate the beat will be picking up. I also fixed the jump coming after to flow better into the slider.
I think this slider overall looks weird, I might just make it straight. Although Ctrl+J does look better.
Done, looks cleaner!
I agree, I was planning to change this part, but didn't know how to make it flow correctly.
I deleted the slider, added a note to make a jump and added a note to the stream
I changed it to make the important note important, I think.
Fixed into an actual overlap, so it looks normal :v
Oh you're right, I'll be sure to check my whole map
Im planning to change some of these into what you want, so no worries!
I tried
I got it done
Moved to x456 and y280, hopefully its good.
I got rid of the slider and placed a note, hopefully the works out.
Got it, I somehow made it work.
I did that on purpose, but I can make it stream into the slider
I did this originally but I found it a bit uncomfortable, but now that someone else agrees, I can do it!
Do you mean a double slider? I got it.
IDK about this, it kinda changes the flow of this part.