honestly im not that great with metadata stuff myself (I probably shouldn't have nitpicked about it in the first place), my best advice would be to follow what Andrea's recent qualified set of this song (https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/1269321#osu/2637817) has because that should have the most up to date metadata (just don't use the creator specific tags like sekai and osuplayer111 and keep your creator specific stuff like platinasb)
you can leave the finish if you want its just that theres not really anything to support it in the music, as for the ctrl-g, that was necessary because the slider entry point made it seem like you'd go down first while really you take a sharp left after entering it then aim the bumps, with the ctrl-g its very clear that you go down the bumps of flandre's wing before looping up to the end of the slider
i know but certain individuals in the BNG don't think anime is a genre anymore so you should probably change it anyway to be safe, also if you took metadata from Chirony's set you should prob mention that in the map's description like you did for platina but don't add chirony to tags