hmm, true, but what to do with it then? 00:32:304 (1) is still weird to aim, as for me. I'll ask my friend to playtest it in order to see if this problem is only for me or not.
yea these 00:43:588 (2,3,4,5) - makes you confusing cuz 1. it's pretty unusual on hard diffs and 2. it's a one-in-a-lifetime thing on the difficulty. Try mapping them like 01:15:674 (2,3,4) ^^
01:35:393 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - i guess this pattern should be mapped like 01:03:308 (1,2,3,4,1) . If you disagree, adjust the pattern. Circle placement all over the map makes you aim smoothly... except for this pattern.
"that specific arrangement of music is mapped with the exact same objects+order for the entire song since the beginning" i mentioned that pattern already
01:35:250 (4) - there are dominant sounds before and after that NC.
"1/2 slider spam for a normal even for my tastes" HUH? This simplify the rhythm... no?
ты ж вокал мапишь ну. там 3 слога заканчиваются на "а", их кликать хочется больше, чем реверс слайд водить а потом сотку ловить на 05:05:334 (3)
следовательно тут 05:04:865 - NC
тут 05:04:993 (2) - слайдер 1/2
05:05:334 (3) - оставляем