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4hri's Modding History

fixed :)
hmm fixed and 02:45:466 -
01:49:299 - restarted time and i heard definitely continued snare same 01:51:966 -
fixed :)
01:29:924 (89924|2) - this LN started at 01:29:924 (89924|2) actually if i get to another mod , i will fixed them . keep
i considering this part made for 4 or 5 jack, but considering this map star and balanced diff so i tried to make balanced . as you say, this part make for stream or like pattern. this map is so easy except this part 02:09:466 -
express for snare and make a difference another part like 00:29:799 - 00:30:466 -
actually . i also take it on another map lol
이것도 음표현도 맞긴한데 저쪽에서 그냥 분산시켜서 표현하자고 하니 너무 지저분할꺼 같아서 깔끔하게 그냥 배치했습니다
난이도 전체적으론 어느 한부분에서만 차이가 크게 나기 때문에 이부분도 겹쳐서 놓게 만들었습니다. 이걸 다르게 바꾼다면 점수가 너무 쉽게 나올뿐더러 6성값을 못하는것도 한몫이고 난이도에 맞게 더 높은 집중력과 손속을 요구 하도록 만들었습니다
i didn't have to make it. because it doesn't sound irregular and clear
i make this map that simple and clear
yeah fixed OD and HP
i don't know ;w; i allowed taiko mapper. and thank for mod :)
yeah i miss that click to thumb it and end dicussion lol :)
that part placed already for 2notes
arranged the note
when i get to the other mod in this part , i will fixed later
fixed and arranged
your note transition is so light and this map diff is up to 6* so unfixed
sorry. i remapped them ;w;
^same reason
why? 03:07:799 this burst have sound all snaps .but 03:02:466 - this busrt havn't sound while 03:02:549 - 03:02:632 -
^ same reason
express for raise up sound
for dependency 02:16:966 (136966|0,136966|1,137049|0,137049|3,137132|1,137132|2,137216|0,137299|2,137299|3,137382|0,137382|3,137466|1,137466|2) -
nice catch :) fixed
fixed :)
player can't feeling a delicate difference while game playing . and current positioning is so clean
fixed. because 3snaps jack transition saw clean biased on col 1,4. so i used col 1,4
fixed :)
the sound in 01:24:132 - represented a faster and more collected sound than 01:22:799 -
arranged notes
this burst use 8 snap
fixed, but i've heard that this is not problem for a rank rules and playing. becuase people saw the all of pattern in game playing. so players does not mind them .but i'll fixed it for now
Fixed :)
00:31:466 placed note for continue sound ,so i put 2note for kick or snare
00:20:132 - this part use 2notes and same in 00:22:799 - so 00:22:799 arranged 2column note move for 1
i can't feeling them. and express raise up to sync sound
fixed :)
i think that this note have worth for a sound
this is not problem for playing .so unfixed
i've heard that this is not problem
i heard music box sound in this part. so basically using music box sound and add a snare,kick sound when i get to the other mod in this part . i will changed for using 1/2 snaps
what's mean should be double?
fixed :)