removed 1/8 buzzes in hard
removed overlaps at 01:56:164 (1,3) - 02:08:472 (1,4) in hard
added drum whistle in 01:52:010 - since 02:01:856 - has it
moved missplaced nc at 01:39:548 (1) in normal to 01:40:164
from 00:50:343 (1) - to 00:50:858 (2) - pitch increases and so does at 00:51:372 (3) - but after that it only decreases with 00:52:572 (1) - briefly increasing it a bit, which is reflected through slight sv changes, however I do agree the first two could use some extra differentiation but I'd rather not touch it, I mapped this about 2 years ago and although I do not agree with some of the decisions I made I still do agree with some, this being one of them, specially because spacing between the first three sliders does indeed increase.
Unused file is the different BG between difficulties.
Set genre to Electronic and language was already set to Japanse.
There are already genre tags, J-pop and Denpa.