modder info

dkingo's Modding History

added w
Sry I didnt notice that :0 fixed
Applied Rivals_7's mod on HD NM
applied to 00:44:112 - Reduced the LN from 00:33:709 - to 00:33:467 - where the guitar sound actually ends, same applied to NM.
Applied Sun's mod on NM and HD
Also made slight adjustments to make the pattern more comfy.
Totally agree about extending the LNs and applied. If pitching is not taken into account then the guitar sound is actually 1/1. Although then there would be a minor inconsistency vs EZ and HD, I don't think it's a problem at all :/
For the cymbal there're LN + double normal notes. I couldn't find any exception in this part
00:27:902 - this is a dumb error :( . The LN should start at 00:28:144 - along with the guitar and cymbal. Fixed and adjusted HS.
wait... idk what happened when i updated but fixed
Title changed as you refer
fixed the capital and updated
I think there isn't other alternatives than simplifying the drums to LN, will keep it as the final option if the current pattern is still not appropriate for NM. So basically changes on limiting 1/2 plays in a bar, avoiding use of double during long concecutive 1/2 notes and making them as comfortable as possible.
wtf... Fixed. It should be fine now
Ok title changed Edited ver. to Cut ver.
Also updated tags after metadata changed
TOKOTOKO (西沢さんP) seems like a good replacement, but there's ゆいこんぬ×TOKOTOKO(西沢さんP)on YT source, using only TOKOTOKO (西沢さんP) would be inconsistency with the original source. So I would use the official site as reference, which looks like: Title: ハートビート・フロムユー feat. ゆいこんぬ (Edited ver.) R.title: HEARTBEAT FROM YOU feat. yuikonnu (Edited ver.) Artist: 西沢さんP R.artist: NishizawasanP There's currently no ranked TOKOTOKO beatmap with feat. artist, therefore I'll be as careful as enough in this case to avoid making bad examples for the upcoming maps.
1. I have no idea about the new rule, so may I assume that using (Edited ver.) instead of (Cut ver.) is fine? 2. According to the official site the title is "ハートビート・フロムユー feat.ゆいこんぬ", therefore artist = "西沢さんP" as it currently is. Unsure if the romanized artist must be exactly the romanisation or translation for the original artist. Since the official provides an accurate translation "NishizawasanP", would be better to apply it instead. But I'm on the side of "TOKOTKO" since it's much more recognized by the community. So change log: Added (Edited ver.) to the title I'll leave it open for confirmation.
Applied Sun's mods
IMO it's acceptable under 124 BPM, on the other hand it's quite tricky for players. I'd like to keep the 3 LNs design so removing a note from e.g. 00:10:241 - would be my solution, the instrument itself doesn't change so should the chord. As for 02:06:612 - reduced a LN to create space for the chord.
Moved 01:03:709 (63709|6) - to 5. I'd like to keep the minijack for the drum.
It supposed to be double just like other parts, the single was perhaps taken account of release. Added a note for consistency and reducing the gap vs NM.
Removed extra hs you mentioned and added more tags
Changed the end of 1/4 to single
Changed all to double
Rearranged to a roll
Removed the kick
Removed 00:23:375 -. As for the others, there are tom sounds that appears elsewhere in the same part, but for some reasons none of them is either mapped on other diffs or hitsounded. Anyways removed as well for consistency.
Applied as you suggest
Removed the 1/4 notes
It was meant for the vocal and making pattern more smooth, but gap issue seems to be a bigger problem to consider, removed.
Applied your pattern
Increased the amount of SV slightly, at least now I can feel the actual change in gameplay. But the SV section is nothing necessary I'll remove if there are more opposition to the SV.
I guessed the usage of LN + chord could lead some discussions. The logic here is basically double normal chord for the drum sound, regardless of how many keys are pressed in actual. That is a little bit weird even for me nowadays, but this was the logic I choose to map years back and I still think the structure is logical and somewhat physically bearable, overall this is just one of many ways to map the combination of LN + chord.
To be consist with other drum sounds like 00:46:978 - it should be triple, but if talking about differing from the cymbal at 00:47:811 - , I'd choose not to differ at all, personally using same chord for both sounds is still acceptable
Rearranged the placement of this part to fits the actual change of pitch, mostly goes with what you pointed out above
Applied, but 00:11:644 - actually follows the same pitch as 00:10:644 - , and moving could affect balancing negatively since there's incoming right-biased pattern,
Applied, although the new pattern 01:25:543 (85543|3,85864|3,86185|3) - is a bit questionable...
Applied as you suggest!
Good catch, moved 00:31:158 (31158|2) -to left hand. Same applied to 01:18:324 - but the LN part at 01:18:484 - differently to avoid 1/1 anchor
I prefer single stack to improve balancing but I found an inconsistency issue while checking this mod, moved 00:14:474 (14474|2) - to col 4 to avoid stack that follows different sounds
Nice suggestion! Applied