it has been sitting in the unsubmitted maps for more than one year just because I couldnt finish svs... now i uploaded it even tho i didnt finish them.
Struggling so hard to get my mapper motivation back, I really want to map again but something is refraining me from doing it :c
I think that your solution can work tho, but I just personally feel it way more unnatural to play (subjective) and since is not something that actually compromises the quality of the map I feel like keeping it as it is (I would like my own maps to be nice to play for myself first in every part) if you are ok with it
About screenshot: first note is this 00:49:432 -
With my suggestion you end a pattern whenever one of the main sounds ends or changes, making the pauses a main element in following the music together with the notes
Sorry for delay.
I get what you mean and I agree but I also didnt like leaving those spaces blank cause I feel like something is still missing so I decided not to move notes in those places you said but just to add them. Basically from 3 to 4 notes patterns. Quorum will upload soon with edits, thank you !
Also worth to mention that anyway I added a few notes into the kiais like here 00:59:614 - and here 01:39:614 - to make them a little bit more continuous where possible so that it gives the feeling to have a bit more dense kiai. I think it helps with balancing
actually here 00:14:614 - there is no sound that really stands out worth mapping, if I would add something there it would be here 00:14:510 - eventually, but adding a note there would leave the players like of "suspended" and to balance things in playability terms I should add another one here 00:14:822 - and also do the exact same here 00:16:176 - which all combined would lead to a overusage of notes while I'm trying to slowly introduce the players into the harder sections
Well... I tried to remove something but I just think that any break in that section would just cut the pace of the music.
It's ok to have a complex Futsuu for me tho, it's what I was aiming for to be fair and i'm pretty happy that the song itself allows me to do so while respecting rc.
I think I'll leave it like this. Kiais are still well differenciated from this part due to the lenght of 1/2 patterns that allow them to represent the higher intensity of the sounds so i think it's still fine, but thanks anyway
Honestly not mapping that sound to me is a lot weird because I mapped literally any other sound with that intensity around it and also while testplaying I clearly feel like something is missing and this really confuses me. Tho I get that the music change can be emphasized somehow, I'll think about anothher solution, meanwhile I'm open to other suggestions, eventually just reopen this if you find any before me
I got an answer too
Poor guy, it's just that he changed the capitalizing but no one is listening to him :(
I guess it's going to be "Sephid" then since there is no better source than the artist himself
Actually even according to the sources SEPHID can actually be spelled in both ways, take for example the official video used as source here and you can see that in the video it's spelled "SEPHID" even if the channel name is "Sephid", so does other videos in the same channel like this
Also in his official Bandcamp website there is this where capitalizing keeps to be controverisal. In my opinion all of this shows that the artist doesnt really mind the capitalizing and if he provided to osu the full capitalized version to be used in the fa page, I suppose he wants it to be like this. All of this is for completeness to the "consistency" reason, maybe this can be useful for future references too
Honestly I really like the fact that they are all dons, using kats for those kicks to me seems like im idk how to say ... "breaking the atmosphere" (?) These are those kind of parts where I prefer to be repetitive rather than having pattern variety. Style choice
I preferred removing this 01:05:728 - and this 01:10:917 - tho since to me it seemed to be kinda abrupt to end that sound with a single note but I agree that it could be kinda long as a pattern and it's better to have it less intense