modder info

Antuoniz's Modding History

Thank you <3
added tags, added to mpg for first map ranking, new BG with permissions in the description and any credits which he wanted me to credit.
Ok, sure, when have Time ill do this and wont resolve so į would remember to do this
mb, changed the SV and didn't saw it unsnapped it
I might pressed NC in accident i think so, but no more nc'd
nerfed, and adjusted
yes you're right, lowered all of the comparison (more like nerfed the volume from 2min mark) timestamps
Yes, those which u mentioned in earliest, should all all of that sliders to be 0.62x, did saw however some of it was 0.82x so changed, but however from this point 00:16:448 - imo to be better so slightly increase of SV, in which i changed it and fixed
fixed it, overlapped them
the first you have mentioned shouldn't imo to be mapped as a triplet since there was no cricket or smth sound on it? 03:34:635 (6,7,8) - this did had some of that cricket sound and this 03:36:510 (6,7,8) - doesn't so i'm gonna change that one to corolate others that didn't had any sound on it
fixed, and adjusted a bit notes some before those which u mentioned
my bad, yes it can, it compromises with this one too as of sound 02:58:635 (5) - exact same one
ok, i added a NC 04:04:260 (1) - here too since to be precise as those ^
cleaned up a bit, was wanting to keep as is but i'd rather not in this case
ok forgot to send the permalink of the mod my b
as you said on this one with the timing i adjusted it to 1/4, since i did notice something was off at the time, fixed
ok, added these 01:36:510 - 01:36:698 - same here 03:08:385 - 03:40:260 - 04:04:635 - with volume changes since it decreased in volume before, and needed increasing imo
ok, moved a little bit more to the right whole pattern, and ctrl + g on this 01:27:698 (1) -
yes, for sure too high of spacing
(put on -15 degree on it, and adjusted)
sure, nerfed
ok sure, less density, simplified
ok, shifted all of points by 8ms
less density on the sections
other kiais were the same, those spaced out triples was way more because there was much more of a sound instrument then they were not having of much sound, fixed, adjusted and they should be the same 1 kiai: 0.60px | 2 | 0.70 | 3 | 0.80 | x : y axes and balanced out
nerfed movement in my opinion looks ok and the axis the same
oops, fixed
well i might disagree with that statement, since its not harder to play because of the sharp angle, more like harder to read (since the circle is intact on it, and it's not hard to move your cursor by 1mm to the right so you could have both slider ball interaction) , but i can do that straightforward to follow it
nerfed and adjusted
gonna keep this, discussed with Take, since it is 200 bpm
my bad fixed
i like how it is right now, didn't want to change to the same pattern, but thanks!
Thanks, Sure i'll let you know when į get 2nd
made it
well the results was here not long ago so just now submitted after the results, but thanks!
recurved it
ok, stacked this one too 02:50:190 (1,3) -