It is not necessary more sustain the keysounds. They are at a good point of finishing, so it doesn't bother the gameplay at all.
Lengthening the keysounds there won't be much difference and it looks quite good that way. Since this is a suggestion, i think it is not necessary to accept it.
in 00:45:088 (45088|0) - i can tell it's a kick instead of a tom and same in
01:04:604 (64604|0) -
01:47:024 (107024|0) -
02:06:540 (126540|0) -
I can see the difference as the kick drum is lower and the tom is a mid tone with more resonance.
In my opinion it is fine. but if you really see this wrong, feel free to tell me so i can make the changes as per your suggestion.
I think this is not completely resolved, If you make this change you must also replace in:
02:12:722 (132722|4) -
02:23:757 (143757|4) -
03:40:998 (220998|4) -
and delet file "church-bell_C_major.wav" since it would be unusable