modder info

Vad2009's Modding History

meh kinda agreed at last, remapped
fixed probably
resnapped all 1\4 and remapped some parts of the songs
third sound of this bg instrument is longer than previous, and tho i do not map it properly with 1\1 sliders id like to emphasize it anyway
yep fixed
already fixed due to 1\4 resnaps
i use it here because of pitch change in background dunno how to call this instrument, and i believe this rhythm change brings some more creativity. this kind of pitch change doesnt occur anywhere alse, and this rhythm is also easy for read so i tend to keep it as is
also fixed
fixed, cause of resnapping all 1\4 rhytms
seems ok for me, cause it is a buildup for ongoing burst, meant to warn a player about something different coming up
came up with something, fixed
seems pretty playable for me
true, done
ye, fixed all 1\4 snaps to fit more for the hard diff
made prettier, for following ones too
ну тоже subjective, если сделать одинаковый спейс будет меньше эмфазиса на слайдер 5
subjective, no change
зачем? лишь увеличит спейсинг без надобности, unchanged
ен вижу смысла особого, unchanged
new difficulty
сделано забыо отметить
reworked this section, 1\2 kickslider fits best imo
yep, agreed and reworked
yeah i reworked a bit this part i hope plays better now
yep fixed
oh yeah i missed that, fixed
i hope it is somewhat fixed now
it will ruin the pattern, and currently it follows previous mod suggestion
i want the beginning of kiai be easier than the ending, and the vocals clearly follows this idea, so i'll keep it as it is
no i think it looks pretty ugly that way, and it's not necessary either
sure why not
hm dunno, i find it ok to read, and also it is not a single choice here but it is repeated through the whole section soo....
yep agreed and done
hm lol done :)
followed the suggestion and fixed, thankk
hm dunno i like it how it is now pretty much, its like first 3 notes are equally spaced and the flow is straight circular, the next ones are spaced more and are forming a buildup towards vocals
hm i think it's okay like it is, not like it is overspaced or anythinn
well, why not, done
same here, wanna keep it unstacked
nah, don't wanna stacks there, wanna keep this little momentum effect
thanks much!
remmapped this pattern, ye it was really too hard to read and play