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Akonine's Modding History

@Haypzeh I'm agree with nevqr
@TKS I'm still want to push that map but I want more direct suggestions what needs to be changed and why from Hivie who gave me that veto
Should've drawn that line before I wasted my time mapping this and pushing to ranked section. If there is any rules about "exploits" or "abuse" why no one following it then... Streams are following music and that's it. You said that streams are "lack proper song representation" why is it even a issue!! they represent the song how its correct and how I want. This map doesn't even abusing patterns that much, there is no some ddkdddkkdkkkd or kkkkdkkkd patterns that heavely abusing current system, there is just oridanary patterns that almost every song using nowdays. Its just streams overweighted in that starrate system (and bpm also making significant impact). Issue about downbeats is so far fetched!! Many Players liked that map (although much more Players didn't liked it just because they think that map is abusing and don't following music (which it doesn't)) and that sad to take away from them the opportunity to see this map in ranked. Even comparing that map to all other "abusing" maps - if you make bpm of that map equal 200, the map will be somewhere around 7,1* stars which is fine?? All this wouldn't have happened if You just "drawned the line" before that map was approved by 4 BNs actually (if we count Nifty and op45667 that originally were BNs on that map) and much time was lost... Excuse me if my English is bad, I hope You understand what I'm talking about (。•́︿•̀。)
changed to +10
now kiai ends on first red tick in that section
thank you Burak!
12. many small color changes among all the map
1. 00:15:128 - 00:18:941 -- Part reworked to make player not play k d k d k for too long 2. 01:46:653 - 01:50:467 -- Part reworked to make player not play k d k d k for too long 3. 01:11:823 - 01:18:941 -- Stream reworked to follow vocal more accurately 4. 01:19:195 - 01:24:026 -- kkdkkkd pattern removed from that stream 5. 01:31:145 (782,783,784,785,786,787,788,789,790,791) - changed that two 5plets 6. 01:59:810 - changed to d to remove ddk ddd kkd kkk spam 7. 02:00:509 (1055,1056,1057,1058,1059,1060,1061,1062,1063,1064,1065,1066,1067,1068,1069,1070,1071,1072,1073,1074,1075) - stream slightly reworked to highlight kkk on the end of the stream 8. 03:42:585 - 03:50:467 -- Part reworked to make player not play k d k d k for too long 9. 04:00:636 - added k here 10. change #3 and #4 applied to all kiais 11. added finishers in many places where it was inconsistent
вторые стримы каждого киая изменены, и стрим последнего киая тоже
да, похоже, добавляем!
взял твой вариант, выглядит хорошо
01:37:755 - 1/4 04:28:602 - 1/2
03:03:178 - k k ddd k
все поменял!
01:40:297, 03:05:721, 04:31:145 - убрал ноту до финишера чтобы не делать 1/4 финишер
я в первые узнал, что там можно что-то менять... исправил на N
хорошо, 5 тоже нормально
sure, 50% now
now red sticks are 90%, now green stick is also kiai
04:44:153 - added 60% here for ghost tapping before kiai moved preview point from 04:45:394 to 04:45:187
did different 5plets here
changed part here
did variation here
yes, looks good!
suggested notes are dons now
did 40% btw
more kats here now
your colors nice, changed