There might be an issue with offset because of Audio Compatibility mode being turned off or on. Offset had been checked multiple times already by others not by me, so I think it should be fine.
Changed except 02:54:065, 02:55:302 and 02:56:540.
03:22:124 (29) - Has a chord, so I'm leaving it as a Finisher.
For 03:08:690 (10) -
03:15:421 (19) - Has a similar pitch to 03:14:579 (18) so I'm leaving as d.
03:11:211 (14,15,16) - Changed this to d k d to be consistent with the other diffs.
03:08:690 (10) - It's nearly the same pitch as the previous note. I'm leaving it as a D.
03:15:421 (20) - I'm leaving this as D. I'm mapping to the piano, not to the synth.