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_yosh's Modding History

merci bébou <3
added 02:00:549 (200) - k and 02:02:072 (202) - d
i like the idea, applied
sounds good, applied
forgot to resolve z
fair, applied
thank you!!
oops fixed
changed 01:24:302 ~ 01:31:445 to make it consistent with 01:14:302 ~ 01:23:445, outside of the initial d d k k D in the first section
NVM I'm super stupid. I don't know why it took me so long to understand what sendol meant. Changes make sense and I've applied them, sorry about that.
forgot to resolve
00:41:196 ~ 00:44:658 -> Changed to what you proposed on your screenshot 01:40:523 ~ 01:45:138 -> Moved 01:41:347 (148) - to 01:41:182, removing an odd offbeat and feels better with complementing 01:42:006 (149,150)
I didn't know how to originally respond to this, so I went and asked around for opinions. The general consensus was that offbeats for Kantan difficulties (even repeated many times) are fine, as long as they make sense and respect the breaks rule enforced by ranking criteria (3/1 breaks every 16/1 to 20/1 of continuous mapping). The way the sections are currently mapped respect both criteria, while "breaking the mold" for a Kantan difficulty and staying intuitive as it is consistently repeated throughout the map (instead of a regularly mapped to 1/1 white ticks-only difficulty), which was the intention while mapping this as the song supports such structure: therefore I won't be applying the proposed changes.
agreed, changed
I'm a bit worried about potential suggestions of removing this finishers barrage but hopefully the 2/1 breaks are enough
missed that one, fixed
Simplified the section until 00:06:787 by sticking to beeps, will leave most of everything else as it is to keep some complexity in the intro. To address why I'm not changing 00:08:875 onwards: while the notes land on the piano and are placed on the first red tick of a 1/3 beat, it remains 1/1 rhythm throughout, which abides by the ranking criteria rules for Kantan difficulties; on the side of playability, most if not all of the players this difficulty caters to (outside of score/leaderboard farmers) will use No Mod, Hard Rock and/or Double Time, which shouldn't hinder reading the notes unlike Hidden, proven to be less popular amongst new players in terms of mods.
igts 2022 gf nm6 original tags incident (DO NOT RESEARCH)
thank you o:
god bless your soul
i'll stick with the two notes then.
thanks for the quick answer, will close now.
I think I changed it to what you had in mind, but I wouldn't mind a recheck to see if I executed your idea properly.
Given they're the pattern bridging to the kiai, I think it's better to instead add a d on 01:41:398 - . I'll leave this thread open if you want to push for the deletion of both 00:52:241 (98) and 01:41:398.
Applied, but rearranged a bit to prevent kdk spam, see the following screenshots: for 00:27:843 (30,31,32,33) / for 00:33:627 (49,50,51,52. Further feedback on this would be appreciated, so I'm not closing this yet.
forgot to reply whoops changed to (starting from the 1/1 at 00:04:711 (7); 00:10:494 (26), 01:08:325 (7) and so on) ddkkdkd to prevent repetitiveness. i think these notes are still needed since they highlight sounds that follow the structure of the pattern.
I had a bit of trouble addressing this mod, so I went and asked Zeth and Gamelan about it - we all came to the conclusion that the current pattern is fine ("mapping to pitch should always be relative and not absolute"), although I don't find your alternative bad. Unchanged.
changed to kkdkd quintuplets, should be good now!
changed to what is showed in your screenshot
I tried doing some adjustments, and I think placing d on 00:28:928 / 00:34:711 and changing 00:29:289 and 00:35:072 to k works better than your suggestion, but further feedback regarding that would be greatly appreciated. EDIT: changed to what i said for now
i like kkddd k better, changed
Outside of vocals, there is no sound to map, hence why I didn't place a k here. I agree though, it feels weird, but it still works given it respects the idea I went with while mapping. If it gets pointed out again, I will make the change.
I personally think the 3/2 breaks work fine, as the map's BPM is low (although that part's subjective) and there are multiple and enough breaks throughout the 2 sections (6 per in a 12 seconds section) for this breaks setup to be viable. However, you have a good point - if both the Muzukashii and Oni diffs are aiming for normal difficulties breaks wise, then it doesn't make sense if the Futsuu is going for something different. I will comply with it and remove the four notes you pointed out.
made the section from 00:14:860 (1) to 00:26:427 (27) - 1/1 only. 00:53:877 and 00:55:685 were removed to give emphasis to the vocals. The same was done with 00:59:680 (22), 01:01:487 (28), 01:43:053 (5), 01:44:861 (11), 01:48:837 (22) and 01:50:644 (28), for consistency reasons. 00:57:872 (20) and 01:02:933 (36) were removed to provide a 2/1 break between the first and second part of the kiai, and at the end of the kiai. 01:47:029 (20) and 01:52:090 (36) were also removed, for consistency's sake with the breaks. 01:18:836 (2) and 01:24:619 (23) were removed to provide a 2/1 break. 01:30:022 to 01:51:528 - I think the 3/2 breaks here should work fine as they are. 02:01:487 (19) - removed to provide a 2/1 break. The section is overall intensive to fit the song's intensity, but I think a single break should be good enough.
essayé de fix mais besoin de feedback
l'idée est intéressante mais après changement et ré-écoute à 100% puis 25% ta proposition me semble plus off que ce que le pattern est car il j'ai l'impression d'ignorer un son.