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Ripnight225's Modding History

00:13:264 - this taiko sounds mean has emphasise bongo sound. (I'm imagine working funny sounds) but now I feeling to work a little, maybe I'll delete it? idk 00:26:045 - 00:26:112 - It's good idea 00:27:524 (4) - no. I think need once actuation sound, I don't spamming to many whistle. I change to finish. 00:29:676 (4) - ^ 00:36:133 (4) - ^ 00:38:286 (4) - ^ 00:46:089 - no change yet, currently sound is not strong? I don't know how to put more emphasis than I already have. but I would like to take your proposal and change something. idk I'm do that change. Thank you many mods! I don't know if this was good, but I had to reject many of your suggestions because of the ideal map I imagined sorry.
I don't need consistency. cause top diff having 3:30 drain time and mappers can decide to free drain times imo. Also, fixed vol thanks plz checking a discuss
ok some hs have been changed.
nah I wanna not to change slider, i just do change sliderend volume. but if that having to still probrem, I gonna to change
but 03:14:599 (1,1,1,1) - is not change. I think that putting sound in the slider reverse of 03:14:599 (1,1,1,1) - would add a lot of annoying sound. So I put hs like finish and clap in slider head instead, so it doesn't interfere with the song.
Changed, but had a my reason here: 01:22:411 (4,5) - I thought the section here was the only highlighted part at the end of kiai 03:18:635 (4,5) - But in this section, I felt that the back sound was always emphasized, so I did the opposite and quieted the aim to emphasize the last movement.
oh why, fixed
Change a bit
Thank you mods! I'll do my best.
fixed, I think it's closer to the natural flow, so I changed it, though I think the change is fine either way.
Keep. I think this slider having to function as follow the whole guitar sound, and follow the scratch sound. The reason is that before scratch sound (03: 00: 336), the shape of the guitar sound slider from 03:00: 024 (1) - is a slider that gradually aims down, but after scratch sound. I think that can express the sound of scratch by aiming up.
Yes, I setting the latest version that is all fixed and emphasized this section probably.
Keep it. It is a may not be a generally accepted approach by mapper, let alone player, but I believe that the kick slider can be added to the slider click sound to emphasize the next beat 01:05:024 (1) - with the slider end sound in my opinion.
However, I'm still wondering if it was right to use kick slider after 3/4 slider.
Yeah, what you are saying is true, I fixed it. It was just a hard to fix this one lol. I think very difficult to emphasize the guitar in this section, including the extra (*6) at the end of the section.
It's true, fixed
done. I thought probably focus the guitar and drum in this section. and replace spacing and visually.
I gonna take a remake this section. but I'll remake in the future, cuz i have gradiation research to while 2over months
changed circle in section to slider to reduce the number of clicks.
01:10:024 (1) - changed to cicrle and made some changes to the flow of the section.
Decrease the density of some rhythms and distance nerfed.
04:13:149 (1,2) - is snapped to the vocal, so the slider is not changed. but I changed the slider in 04:13:149 (1) - to 1/2 for the vocal snap, and 04:13:565 (2) - to 1/6 snap. 04:11:899 (1,2,3) - Each of these three circles is represented by a single piano note and a vocal, and 04:13:149 (1,2) - sounds the similar, but the slider in 04:13:149 (1) is a stretched piano and vocal. The slider part of 04:13:149 (1) sounds like the same, but the slider part of 04:13:149 (1) is a stretched piano and vocal sound that I thought could be expressed with a 1/2 slider, so I thought I could keep it with the slider imo. wasn't mistake
ok I choose to bigger spacing
keep it. In this section, the guitar, drums, and vocals are all playing strongly, and I can't tell the difference between the strength of the parts that well imo.
fixed for players care
change to slider