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Tailsdk's Modding History

I think is fine to keep it adds more emphasis for the buildup
yeah sure added
well you told me to change them to a double so double it is LOL
fine I will add it
sure added
flipped the first one and the one just before it since they both have down shifted pitch, but for the second one the pitch is also shifted down so I will keep that as is
ye sure
I would prefer to keep it two handed moved the note before the trill instead to not be on col 2
I nerfed the section after, but I feel like this section is find I really want to keep it like this it matches with the music very well here I think
I moved it around I would like keep the jack on the first one which is missing in the suggestion
I will keep as is the main point of the jumptrill was to not make the jacks too long and I think it makes the loud drums stand more out like this than if they were also jacks
they have a different focus in the section the extra is made as calm jack focused section following the melody so to keep the difficulty simple it has the doubles there. This difficulty does not follow the melody with the jacks so I decided to put emphasis on the bass here that is pretty loud here
mirrored the entire section
moved around slightly
I prefer to keep it as is
I disagree here I think the jumptrill fits here and for difficulty progression I think this fits as well
I wanted it to build up with the intensity here rising so I will keep this as a single
did some moving and removed 1 of the jacks
I moved a note its kind of difficult to properly balanced if I want the structure be as it is
I added the same tags we add for current 7k mwcs to stay consistent
moved this around slightly and made it a 5 note into 7 note chord for a big finale
yeah I agree
The first one has less intensity behind it so they chose to make them desending while on the second one they made it more intense by stacking them and the 7 note chord just fits in visually and makes it simple to play
same thing as
I think its fine I rather keep the concept intact visually rather than being too strict on this
added myself to the 4k one as well
oh right that is a thing now
yeah seems intentional to me
sure applied
changed to single notes since the pattern was really nice on the first one
added one on one of the columns that are used doesnt have to not be used in this difficulty imo
these are mostly here for the symmetry of the pattern for easier readability
Noname mapped it so so for this difficulty it is anyways
reversed the columns on the first trill
moved a bit
moved to spacebar
applied the same thing as with the previous suggestion
moved it slightly
This has been changed to a normal so will close this
resolved then