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minatoaqua1's Modding History

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Let's find out
Let's find out
let's find out
let's find out
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To address inadequate spacing in sections with combined vocals in the kiai, I have overall buffed them with both and To better justify the spacing in 03:27:815 (1) - 03:49:758 (1) , I have marked it as kiai and subtly nerfed spacing overall, notably 03:32:272 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - and 03:43:243 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8) -. I have also significantly nerfed parts of the kiai where there is only one voice. This ends up sacrificing structure and cleanliness that I've tried to hold on to but I'll still do it.
adding kickslider wouldn't really follow the song as there is a clear pause at 02:25:501. I feel like the current spacing should be sufficient as it's the same as the previous stream just without kickslider
Adjusted surrounding objects and changed the shape of the triplet to make it not look like it's a 1/4 pattern anymore. Also made the spacing a little less different between 02:30:043 (1,2) - and 02:30:729 (1,2) - but can still justify the difference with the increasing intensity
offset seems ok but then it seems really late on guitar solo part. Also, when making more timing points to change time signature, the offset gets pushed around by +/- 1ms. Need more help and hear more voices to perfect the offset
yeah I named it video.mp4 and set all diffs to use this new name to avoid this
I'll nerf the spacing for contrast of these intro streams before the more pronounced 1/4 kicks. do you think that I should also nerf the spacing for 03:54:215 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18) - 03:56:272 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15) - as well? Or would those be fine as they are due to the higher pitch of the section carrying some of intensity of the previous section to justify the spacing?
nerfed 00:41:358 (4,5,6) - and buffed 00:42:215 (2,3,4,5) -
added double, did soemthing similar to the example but with curved slider and adjusted surrounding objects to make it feel more comfortable and consistent with similar sounds in the rest of the kiai
I like to keep these curved and red anchor slider shapes but I will try my best to have variation with the placement of them
added snare sound to replace the default normal hitclap
is it better when I rename now?
revised the rhythm
I resolved it before looking at this. I'll give kudosu
added a little spacing
made kickslider
moved 00:59:186 (2) - this placement kind of goes against my rules of avoiding overlapping stuff but it fits alright into this section with more loose placement
it's fine as it is. I think ending this long slider on a sound makes sense rather than ending it on nothing
this map doesn't have any short stream with gradual acceleration in spacing. it has 02:18:558 (1,2,3,4,1) - this little decelerating stream but that's it. I don't want too much break in consistency
after playing back and listening many times over and over. I believe that my rhythm choice is fine here as adding more circle dense rhythms like 00:41:186 (3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5) - would be too much so I just leave it like that to highlight the end of the section with the break in repetition
I believe that it plays fine and changing to the drums for the last 5 notes is justified to make variation in rhythm to give more emphasis on vocals immediately after it
01:15:301 (7,8,1) - a 01:15:643 (2) - su and then 01:15:815 (1,2,3,4,1) - is just trying to make it follow drum so it plays similarly to other sections moved stuff around and redid the rhythms for that bit
I like to minimize the use of circles for this part as it is really chill
added kickslider
buffed them all a bit
the presence of vocals in that part dictates the spacing so I have it greater there
I think it's fine
If you're talking about the spacing between 00:58:501 (4,5) - , then I believe it is fine because the vocals are just the slightest bit more intense and higher than 00:56:443 (2,3) -
the sound is distinct enough to justify doing a long accelerating stream like I did
buffed them
the big pause in there is important imo. just preference thing
I tried it with a slidershape like 00:51:986 (2) - but making jumps after it where the first note will be blanketed by the slider does not look or play well with future objects. the long curved slider is sufficient
made it clickable sound. I tried it with different slidershapes and I don't usually scale down the 2 red anchors slider to be anything but 1/1 but for this one case I will as other slidershapes just do not play well with the surrounding objects and clash too much with the consistent slidershapes that I use
to match the increasing intensity and indicate to the player that there will be a more spaced 1/4 pattern than the previous objects