modder info

Altai's Modding History

I think I prefer without kiai but I don't have any logical reasoning I just dont wanna
yea idk why those were so long in the first place tbh
I think it's cos it had the intro originally, I'll ask
yes it was :)
I kept some high for the random noises but yea toned this down
not quite sure what this means but I did a lil tweaking
ye - these vocals are confusing as hell tho
did a similar thing
mapping the vocal which is on the 1/3 tick
i don't know anything more brat than that, granted we couldn't get it to crossfade like they said in the end, but i think what blu did ended up being even better lol
i like 365 to 360, blu was showing me 360 (which he mapped first) and how he also wanted to map 365, i told him i saw a tweet somewhere about how you can crossfade 365 into 360 with the right timing and it creates an almost perfect loop of the album, so u can be bumping that on repeat
02:41:885 changed to drum base (for drum finish)
oh and the reason this was reset was to fix
mod from abc top diff: 01:42:130 (2) - if ur going for vocals here then it shld probably be using the 1/8 tick like mk's diff and the isane
i like the british stamp on there
love that for me
i think i'd rather just get rid of these notes tbh idk why i mapped them
all tho last i didn't change too much tbh
how does this even.. thank you
ctrl g'd the first two
sure, can decrease sv
i only see this on the hard diff, weird :(
nvm i'll just do it now, tbh i thought i had tv in the tags already
yea i'll add it once these have addressed their own mods instead of this one lol
i can't see it, must've removed it since
sad times
fine :( but only cos i want this ranked after what its been thru
this is gonna mean I'll need multiple timing lines to deal with nightcore - can i confirm this will be unrankable if I don't change it to 92, would really like to keep as is
added a different sample, i think the contrast works quite nicely
can i get some more opinions on this too - can probably get a quieter sample but i think the snare might be too quiet to warrant a clap on default hs
sure lets do that
my fault og