I enjoy the video being in the background, it has so much character.
When you say censor all suspicious scenes from it, do you mean to use a video editing program to make those scenes black, and/or censor bodies with black boxes?
I'm kinda curious if you have any beatmap/ranked examples of visual censoring to show me?
When I have the time I'm willing to try video editing to censor stuff, but as of now I'll keep it explicit I think
I think my initial intention was to create a build up from 1 LN to 2 LN then back to 1 LN to transition into the fill, but keeping them as double LN still makes sense. I applied. thanks
Recharted, and represented the melodic notes when there are no vocals present. I think this is resolved, as I dont know what the chart looked like a year ago. thanks!
All those are meant to represent the piano chords, rather than a clap sound, i dont remember what the chart looked like a year ago, but I think now as normal notes leaves the LN to represent the long vocals more. Thanks!
Yeah, intentional. I think having quads emphasize 00:58:356 and 01:00:950 feel nice, especially since the vocals are long and there's no hihat in between. I think its justifiable as quad.. lmk if it should be triple instead, thanks!
Thanks for rechecking,
as for the last part, i've checked and i think the only area i missed is 00:49:680 . Other than that i think all drum fills are there. thank you
I think I'm going to add to this, with an earlier mod applied with removing C and W's,
I think there are drum sounds to warrant 02:53:491 (173491|0,173572|0) - toms or the marching drum,
but I think 02:54:139 doesn't have any. However, I also want to ask about these sections:
00:49:842 (49842|2,49923|0,50004|1,50167|1,50248|0,50329|2,50491|2,50572|1,50653|2) - ,
02:40:112 (160112|1,160194|2,160437|2,160518|1,160599|2,160680|3,160761|1) - ,
02:42:058 (162058|3,162139|2) -
Without kicks and snares, these drum roll/fill sections to me feel audibly empty for how much is there. I was wondering what you think when marching drum with 50 volume is used here. I've updated with the hitsound added, lmk what you think too.
I believe I've resolved these inconsistency issues. For reference, I used the last 2 lines in HS difficulty to show what patterns should be jack or not for vocals. I believe to have also solved inconsistency issues with length of LN's across all kiai sections.. let me know. thank you.
I believe i understand what happened, and applied changes... In timing panel under sound all the timing points had custom 1 to drum instead of soft.... and marching drum is used in HS diff now. lmk if the first issue is still persistent and if i misunderstood. thank you
I've gotten mapeset verifier, thank you, and I believe I resolved these issues, and, the hitsound inconsistencies were probably a result of applying mods.
I'm going to reopen this with another solution.
This revolves around the 02:27:058 (147058|0) - note.
I notice that there is a kick sound during this segment, however, the way it is now feels really out of place, so I decided to shorten an LN to where that note is and rearrange some things so it transitions into the fills better, what do you think?
Applied most of these, however theres a discrepancy on
01:09:058 - Other BN said that the one LN didnt seem like enough to accommodate for the gap for how long it is, and decided that a note there can keep the rhythm and flow. I think it can be without it, so its okay for me to decide, right?
Also for
00:54:545 , 01:41:248 , 01:51:626 , 02:44:815 , 02:55:194 , 03:05:572 , 03:06:869
I feel as though they can be kept, and made similar to how 00:53:248 (53248|1,53329|0) - is played, where the vocal slur is present, and 00:54:464 (54464|2,54545|3) - can be LN and end at the white bar to transition into the LN jacks, what do you think?
I also feel as though there are 2 faint drum noises around 03:18:139 so i think it can stay, but i reduced both to singles, what do you think?
03:23:410 Is also a similar sound, so i reduced it from a C to the marching drum hit sound.