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Rossi's Modding History

Omg. Why I'm made something like this. Following all of the suggestions.
Ah yes. I still have not fixed the volume. Probably I will adjust it on my own version.
Thank you ></
Thank you ></
Sorry, didn't mean to rude 👉👈 But I just not really like if someone say "this is not following/emphasize/represent" with additional **anything** word, which looks like the modder not try to understand the pattern or note purpose. I hope everyone understand ^^
Hmm.. Please don't say "anything" unless there is no sound to cover. First, would balance the Futsuu spread (not a real reason, because I think I made this before Futsuu). Second, I make it to balance the 3plets at the last. Delete this note would make it unbalance for me.
Currently no, to represent increased pitch sound there. It's better to make it longer than before (3plets to 5plets), then close it with 4/1 break.
If I do that, I think I must I map this area 02:15:814 - to make it better. But for me the current pattern is better, so no change.
I think ignore the bass sound isn't really good.
Currently no, to give more crash effect with single `D` finisher at the new segment 01:56:214 - .
I will move 01:53:014 - to 01:53:414 - instead.
I will put additional 1/1 3plets here instead.
Too many gaps seems not really good for me.
I think I will move the note to 01:02:214 - instead.
For now I only use 1/1 pattern as overall except the last note. But for adjustment, I will delete 02:02:214 - .
This pattern is very normal actually and I don't think there is a big problem. If you think it looks similar with kiai part, then I will add 1 note to 1/1 3plets in kiai part to make it now as 1/1 5plets (00:43:814 -) and it's clear. (You have suggest it at [here]( actually...) Also just a note. If some parts (for example this part) got nerfed, the pattern will unbalance with Futsuu diff. So as the overall pattern spread, the nerf suggestion is no needed except Futsuu or more diff want to do same.
Well, I think, I will just delete 00:06:214 - and 00:06:614 - to give a gap there so it's done. (By the way if you can think about mine, actually Futsuu have similar issue about this, which 1/1 8plets seems not really calm and too long as starter. Maybe delete 00:02:214 - or something to make it easier.)
Whoa, resurrection.
Thank you tomatas! ></
Thank you! ></
Thank you ></
Epic ></
Same for other part 01:16:341 - ; 03:44:341 - .
03:23:241 - Probably can be change as `d` too since the sound still similar until 03:23:641 -. But it's up to you if you want to make something different here.
Thank you ></
Sorry not resolved, so re-open.
I think this can be applied to other diffs too for consistency, so I will change if other diffs was applied this.
No change since the map is full spread now.
- Resnap All Notes **Done** - AiMod Check **Done** - Testplay **Done**
Fixed. (I didn't apply all, but just modified my own version). (I didn't apply all, but just modified my own version).
Uh, this is hard decision, but I decide to keep my own SV in this map. As I said in general, I just want to make simple SV. In this case I just use x0,01 different for each line, and I want to avoid that something jumpscare like a note or pattern slowdown suddenly, or become speed suddenly, and etc. In this case I set the lowest SV is x0,92 and I won't to make it slower, even though there is a very calm part. I just want to make it keep natural. Like your perspective about Taiko Diff name, I also believe that a map can have an SV that more stable and ignoring any "more stylish" perspective. I prefer to make a map that more customable by mod selection, so many players can challenge it more with any mods. I hope you understand, and from your mod about SV, I just do little change with keep the minimum SV is **x0,92** and maximum is **1,02** (_I wrote Minimum **x0,94** in General is a mistake, it's actually **x0,92** huhu.._). I hope there is no more SV suggestions after this. To be honest I really don't like it, sorry... But if I make a mistake with my own SV, feel free to tell me.
Moved to 02:57:418 -
I get it, and always do this when I make a full spread. But for a single diff, I want to build something different more like "special diff" that representing more than Oni or Inner Oni, or other diffs level (_even though basically this is Inner Oni. Of course_).
if I say I don't want to change any SV, will I be allowed?
**Current offset+10** or **Change the offset to 10**?