modder info

Icekalt's Modding History

ye sure
i think the triple after would be way too hard if i accalerate here
wait i am stupid, i was on topdiff
huh isnt it 1/3 right now or am i stupid
ty sir ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
true ty
I changed back to ar8.8 but im still not sure about it, 8.8 makes sense for legacy reasons but the map is so dense that 9.0 makes more sense so ill keep the post open for discussion
actually you cant download the set with the diffname anymore lul
maaan i just like the song man, ill let this point open cuz i kinda wanna keep them
ok but i like trolling 🧂
ye sure i can do that
ye sure
i did but wtf is disss
ye sure diddd
wait i dont wanna ignore but idk if u can even rank diffnames with diacritics
ok sur
lil bro is the G rn
bruv i was first don car
yessir, damn i had no ears back then
ok i forgor
ok looking at it again i kinda like it like this, also cuz it gives the player a bit room to breathe cuz the last section was pretty long and dense imo
oh your bn knightcore cool gj
Sure, ill do it when i get home
might fixed it a bit
sure, wasnt rly sure myself tbh
ye sure, kept 01:48:802 (1) - tho
nerfed quite a bit
ye small nerf
did another sing
did a sing
nah its fine imo, it still follows the song enough even tho its kinda forced ofc
definitly use a rhythm simular to 00:05:302 - and 01:37:302 (1) - since section has a same ish feel
ok did
lookin at this i dont feel like its that bad
ill leave this open for now, tho i dont think the metronome reset is necessary
improved this alot in that regard i think
ill fix this cuz its 100% unintended
besides that what even is left, dunno what else to change, theres like close to no 1/4 left besides 02:21:017 (1) - and the trills which both are fine
asked and this is fine