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Minorsonek's Modding History

i wont insist but if possible I would like to keep as a nice separation between kiais and following the drums, this slider doesnt really belong to previous combo
not relevant anymore
agree but it would make this section unnecesserily too hard, its nice to give some contrast and make kiai with more 1/2s, here its more of a chill section and 1/1 sliders are fine there I guess
I honestly dont see this as an issue, after playing the map for over a minute I would assume players can distinguish between slider heads and tails also they play mostly nomod so the approach circle is helping with that, also numbers on the head, honestly, I cannot imagine this being a problem :D
not quite sure how much new players care about NCing, I would assume it changes nothing but if you insist then I'm fine with NCing that
I see this as a non issue, here especially because song calls for something unsual and I believe current implementation gives a nice little emphasis on (4) its beginning of the song, player can always retry
no offense taken
forgot to resolve
no 1/8 for consistency with beginning, high spacing does the job anyway
as mentioned, its beginning of the song, i'd like not to make it too hard the section with 1/8 you've mentioned is far further in the song and is part of harder transition between sections, thats why it works
no vocal so its not "too important" in this section
agree with 1/8 vs 1/6 part, leaving it opened so i can remap as for the 2nd part, its not low density at all, its very high density in fact because of the spacing and angles, 1/3 rhythm is fully valid here
leaving it up to my hitsounder
i dont hear piano though, or if it is piano its maybe a different one, i only follow this most prominent one that you can hear in surrounding circles
leaving it up to my hitsounder
i use this circle to emphasise next one 01:13:239 (1) -, its valid approach
not adding triple also makes sense here
shape makes it work, repeats are not the only important parts of a slider
i want to follow vocals in this section, your rhythm would give different vibe
nope, as you can see its done multiple times so its clearly not a mistake, my NCing helps with rhythm readability and visual patterns, i don't really use NCes for emphasis stuff
song is building up, not slowing down
what i wanted to emphasise was 00:22:379 (7,8) - , you can clearly hear in the song that double drum kicks in and my pattern clearly makes it important
song is constantly changing, 00:21:207 (2,3) - this is slight variation of the rhythm to prepare the player and also emphasise whats coming next 00:21:676 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) -
disagree, this circle fits very well complementing and simplifying the rhythm, it gives additional emphasis on the stream pattern, removing it would require to convert the stream to doubles which is not what the song calls for 00:14:645 (2) - is not NCed because rhythm
song suddenly speeds up for transition between sections, justified imo
too hard for beginning of the song
visuals already do this job by overlaps, slidershape is not the only tool to do that
not everyone is the same, I always play ar9.5 version of arles maps because high ar is difficult in itself, so your example relates only to select few people, mainly DT players who cant stand anything lower than ar10 ar9.4 is very common and for the simple song thats only 180bpm and has no complex rhythms (no doubles, not even triples), i believe it should be valid also, since when "adding layer of difficulty" is bad for a top diff? who said top diff map should be the easiest possible? Because finetuning AR like this seems like optimizing just for the most easiest map possible which is not necessary what I'd like, this map has to be a challenge, not a pp farm or something we could have this conversation if this was like ar9 or something, explicitely low AR that actually provides some level of difficulty, but man this is ar9.4, people can read that with ease
this is transition to second more-spaced half of this section, song gets a bit more intense for a very brief moment so a flow change with a little bit more spacing is very fitting imo
i dont see any benefits, also spacing doesnt really play a role with AR, its more about density which is very low bcs of bpm and rhythm, 9.4 should do just fine
its for intensivity, also there is a sound there so its not like literally nothing, hs should do the job (hser please add something)
no thanks
looks fine
i still like the patterns and this part of the song is unique so cant really compare to others that easily but I agree the spacing was a bit too massive especially since the song is still "starting" yet, so: 1. First half of this section was nerfed 2. Second half was reworked to keep the straight lines idea (vertical this time) and also nerfed in spacing Should be better now, let me know how you see it now
especially because you tend to NC last notes of streams 05:53:108 (6,1) -
it would kinda fit with this 01:49:890 (4,1) - , just reverted, so I think this could be great idea
i dont follow vocal in this section
vocal also, since when nc on the end of the stream is bad? xd
player is not auto, they dont follow slider body perfectly in the middle
nothing wrong with that, 1/1 rhythm
its perfectly fine
climax of the song
ds sucks