+10 offset is probably better. The percussive stuff at the start of the song is a loop that I was glitching and some of those sounds weren't completely snapped to the timeline with maybe +-5ms variation. Almost everything after 00:28:472 should be more or less snapped to the grid, though at that point the kick is the most important anyway.
not sure if its because I used to play these kind of rhythms all the time as a player, but it feels perfectly fine to me. I feel like I'm highlighting what I find to be the most prominent in that section so I'll keep it, I think it's okay.
my gimmick for this song / map was creating something stylistically similar to bloody purity / sanctity in both music and map, and this end stream was inspired by that pattern. so yea I want to keep it the same.
1. i think is ok
2. added circle
3. i think it's ok
4. made 1/2 slider instead
5. i feel strong emphasis from the brightness of the piano, and want this gap
6. added circle
7. added circle