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Matrix's Modding History

+10 offset is probably better. The percussive stuff at the start of the song is a loop that I was glitching and some of those sounds weren't completely snapped to the timeline with maybe +-5ms variation. Almost everything after 00:28:472 should be more or less snapped to the grid, though at that point the kick is the most important anyway.
00:01:472 is correct, would be best to use that.
don't think you could have hyped faster Wtf
wil do
oh I actually liked the whistle just doing its own thing there
made od8
tru tru, i added some more whistles on the emptier sections.
not sure if its because I used to play these kind of rhythms all the time as a player, but it feels perfectly fine to me. I feel like I'm highlighting what I find to be the most prominent in that section so I'll keep it, I think it's okay.
tru tru
added more hs
sansei desu
looks cool, agree
made it overlap a bit less
I think this variance is alright
seems better to ignore the kick yeah
i agree desu
adjusted a bit
made 1/4th slider at end
keeping for same reason here
sansei desu
keeping for same reason here
did control g
agree :3
my gimmick for this song / map was creating something stylistically similar to bloody purity / sanctity in both music and map, and this end stream was inspired by that pattern. so yea I want to keep it the same.
agreed with the first one, second one is just my aesthetic though.
I just made it back in to a circle and reorganized it a little bit.
I rotated it and moved it down a little bit to make the progression a bit more obvious.
I buffed the rhythm on some suggested parts just a little bit.
actually I just liked this rhythm, I wanna keep it.
hyper is now OD6, hard is OD5, and normal is OD4
I think it's alright without the NC tbh, feels a bit unnecessary to me.
I like this NC, so it'll stay the same.
will do
1. agree 2. agree 3. agree 4. i like it without 5. agree 6. i like the double more 7. agree with this one 8. i like it not mapped here 9. agree
1. i think is ok 2. added circle 3. i think it's ok 4. made 1/2 slider instead 5. i feel strong emphasis from the brightness of the piano, and want this gap 6. added circle 7. added circle
agreed, should be fine now.
added drum on each kick from 00:23:064 (1) - to the end