modder info

Atlust's Modding History

yes, thats what i plan to
yes, it's intended
changed, but second one has large jump just after, it feels kinda right to me
changed, but not exactly same way cuz i found another missing hitsound
there is a unsnap before updating, now fixed
As for flow, I mean, dude, sometimes uncomfortable flow is a kind of flow because the song ask for it, and La Cataline usually use it as a skill. I really think most people dont understand flow this way, flows are not only just fow to where it is. I dont want to get deeper into this, that would be a very long discussion.
Alright man, I understand your point, but tbh, the pattern really just not a big deal any ways, it is a big spike in the song of course, and we both agree it's not that unplayable, just fairly difficult for players. So, I would keep this as the way you mentioned before, and if people dont like it, I would just take it, you dont have to worry for me. I think this is fair, they have their rights to do it.
To site my point, fanzhen has used same pattern and even harder in his gd of axion, and that's why I believe my pattern isn't an issue after all.
Alright, I will still rank this, im old now, conflict is not always the way to solve problems.
I have changed the way it acts, but I do think it's not overwhelming to play. The direction is easier now, but the flow will stay the same. The moving direction is not always flow, and not everybody understand that, seems you don't either.
I have changed the part and double checked, seems some of them you didn't discover, and those are also off, I don't remember which is which anymore, but I fixed what you have asked, and fixed what you didn't find.
I have added 5ms for the whole map, tbh I don't this this will help since the song is kinda weird.
I will consider fixing this after we make an agreement on timing.
I will commit im quite emotional here, but I do understand your point. I also believe this is kinda difficult to play, but I don't agree with the flow part. The flow is awkward to play indeed, but it followed the logic of flow through the whole part, and I do agree it's not easy to hit. I also agree with your way to fix, but I would say it's not that difficult this way, because if I change it two overlaps with each 12 jumps, it will ruin the feeling of the moving, but if I shrink the distance between, it will be even more difficult to read. Also, the pattern here is a symmetry, and I would like to keep it this way. Compare to the whole part exists, it is not that overwhelming. I will consider this after we make agreement on the timing.
I do agree, but I don't care because the other problems sited.
Alright, plz dq the map for good, and I will not rank map anymore
Alright, I will not fix this, so I will update and dq this, thank you in advance
I don't mind quit ranking again, your choice.
The timing is off in both ways, because two tracks are both off from each other around 10ms, and mostly im following the melody, which is the current track, but sometimes the drum is misleading. I still believe it doesn't need to move 10ms, i will stand for 5ms if necessary. But it can't make everybody happy. Also, I don't mind this map be graveyard. I don't care how you think, and I will not fix anything I don't think it's wrong. Consider this, and make more comment, I will see how others think in the same time.
I think the only function of tags is to making maps easier to discover, but I think the searching itself already relatively sucks, so I think just keep the tags exist should be fine. Please resolve the problem for good, thank you guys.
tags are suggusted by my bns, i will wait until last day to see if neccessary, thank you.
To site my reason, I believe the map should be more feedback than just listen to, so I prefer higher volume in hitsounding.
hitsounding sounds right to me, but i agree the spinner part can be weaker, so I will change it.
alright, all added.
it sounds even late for me, idk what's wrong, I checked carefully, I would keep as it is
I have deleted the fa and featured artist tag, now it's good to go
Fixed tags by request from zekk.
I think the source is just the album, so I think i don't need to add source anyways, other than that all added
fixed, changed the way it is
All added.
Good thank you, I thought it's od8
Problem checked and fixed
Problem fixed, and checked
Will fix it later, tbh nobody will find it in editor imo LOL, thank you