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Ectomic's Modding History

oe j'vois, jvais changer 01:37:579 (20) et 01:42:632 (20) en `d`
imo c'est plus impactant de focus le son à 00:39:316 (58), et jtrouve que le triplet se joue pas très bien ici mais je comprends et je serai pas contre si y'a plus d'opinions dans ton sens !
il a dit wallah (ça marche bien sur cette section donc ok)
yup, frailty I let you apply and close this -w-)b
mmmm I don't really see what you see I don't think it matches vocals better + it kinda breaks the even pattern structure thingy I want for this section.
I understand what you mean but I truly believe this is not problematic, I'll explain my thoughts on this: 1 - I believe we should not be afraid to give muzu players uncommon patterns. The only reason I have over 900h of playtime is because of muzukashiis that were giving me a "challenge", such as gimmicky patterns. 2 - This pattern is really repetitive, making it easier to learn. (muzu players often spam retry maps) 3 - This pattern can 100% be avoided by just... omitting the big notes. So yeah, I don't really want to change it but honestly I'm not 100% against your suggestions. Just need more opinions on your side imo, because right now I just think this plays well !
It would work but I 100% prefer current version's playability
completely agree
Once again screen is dead so I'll try (I'd advise to use s-ul if you can) I agree this section feels a bit off, I took inspiration from zhuosh's oni -w-)b
mmm all of your screens already disapeared so I'll do as I can :s I kinda see what you mean but I feel like patterns such as 00:20:118 (3,4,5,6,7) are a pretty common impro (I follow melody) in muzus and I like a lot how it plays out (maybe I'm wrong tho, feel free to straight up tell me if you really believe this is wrong) - deleted note at 00:22:968 and 01:20:568 to keep following melody
mmmm I don't see a problem with a copy pasted section which only happens once in the map. (and I feel like it fits the song pretty well) This is the kind of stuff I actually liked when I was a beginner so I'll keep -w-)b
The timestamps **are** correct :fbm: What I meant is: - 00:41:627 - `k d kdk` -> `kdddk k` Made for a better build up imo
If agreed, you could apply the same changes for 01:26:954
same thing for 02:42:333 & 03:04:921
same thing for 02:32:098 & 02:54:686
same thing for 02:36:510 & 02:59:098
same thing for: - add 02:29:274 & delete 02:33:157 (28) - add 02:51:863 & delete 02:55:745 (28)
same thing with: 02:28:657, 02:34:304, 02:51:245
I mean yeah I saw that, honestly you can keep as it is you wish. I already explained why I thought it was best to change. The fact that you explained your intentions here is good for other modders to see if you decline !
**"Should these svs be added on the others as well or should it be different?"** Exact values probably won't fit all diffs (Oni should be good) But I'm pretty sure you can use this concept everywhere **"The sv positioning tho is very weird as it was supposed to be 5 ms early?"** I'm not exactly sure what you mean, a greeline perfectly snapped on a note will work as intented most of the time. But if it does not maybe 1ms is fine ??? I'm not sure, could ask someone else :s
ye basically just follow the 'synth' like you did in intro for example: this 00:33:033 could be mapped
"add dons maybe" - it's inner so why not "dkkd or kkkd with 1/6 snap" - nah, definitely too dense for this section "add something like "k ddk kdk" & "would be good if there was a spinner?" - I'm a huge fans of these breaks so I'll keep (emphasizes better the start of kiais imo) and added 1/6s on 00:14:339 & 00:17:006 to contrast better with previous patterns
ty for your mods ! -w-)b
I think you are right, it does play a bit weird. But I wont map the whole thing because I don't want to decrease the emphasis on 00:49:006 (43) (I think the break feels really great here) So I'll just delete the note at 00:48:923 so that the focus isn't entirely on synth !
I like current version better: 1- I want to emphasize the note at 00:48:006 (35) more than 00:47:839 (33) - (because of crash sound) 2- `dkk` makes for a really good transitions into those `dk` 2plets -w-)b
It could work indeed, however I prefer my current pattern for a few reasons: 1- It plays godlike imo 2- There still is a sound here, and it being mapped with a `d` does not interfere with the gabber sounds that are mapped with `k` 3- The oni uses `kk kk` already, so having `kkdkk` in inner oni makes for good spread progression
However, I did not add your other suggestions because I am 100% trying to avoid 1/4 finishers for playability's sake. -w-)b Trying to enforce spread consistency here would hinder the map's quality imo
Added some finishers for the part at 01:16:006
it is, it's because of the way I have formatted the image ! -w-)b
OK, it should now be fixed when slyme updates this. -w-)b
wth the first half is up to date but the second half is first draft of the map what did you do slyme !!!!
hold on the entire kantan is messed up, slyme uploaded an old version and a lot of mods are missing from it :skull:
If you agree: - You should change 01:19:296 (134,135,136) `kdd` & 01:19:696 (137,138,139) `kdk`, that way it stays consistent with 01:14:496 - 01:20:896 (146,147,148) `kdd`
agreed, makes rhythm much more clearer
if you accept you could delete this 01:09:217 (230) to keep consistent
looks like a gucci pattern to me hehe
he wasn't lying for real for real ![](
lmao not too surprised but yeah ok -w-)b going for od: 3 3.5 4 5 and applying your hp suggestion
ooooook I had a bit of a struggle to find why fading out my sprites sooner didn't affect the awkward wait time at the end. Turns out I can rewrite my function for the ending's particles much better lol Should be fixed now, I'll for sure be aware of that next times -w-)b
oh I'll take a look at it Also had no idea I forgot a file in source code hahaha
Oops yeye I can do that, and apply to kantan aswell for 00:53:550, 01:08:910 tbh
yeah after a bit of thoughts I like K k D, applied to futsuu aswell
"3 consecutive 2/1 breaks is reasonable substitute at this BPM imo" okok I wasn't too sure hence why I really wanted to place this break here xd Applied