modder info

Slowpoke1135's Modding History

thanks for hype and guest diff!
jump = 2 notes at once hand = 3 notes at once quad = 4 notes at once
if the pitch is lower, more to the left and right if high pitched. its not really about the literal pitch but just what it sounds like. if it sounds lower, more to left. this isnt a hard rule you MUST follow, but i feel like its a good idea to follow it at start since at start its easy so yeah. also that column gets no notes for a while kind of like how i get no bitches, but the difference is that atleast column 2 eventually gets notes
this is what happens when you make 2 difficulties in 1 day😭 i never used mod queues before so i thought that when i requested a mod it would be like 1 or 2 days later so i rushed those charts. yeah ill rechart them they really need it. ill clear up top diff and see what i can fix and remap the other tips with top diff as reference
illassuke its good
ill assume its good
that doesnt sync
singular LN with normal note now
on hard dif its a jump and on top diff its a hand. will make it jumps but not a jack
same here, higher difs have a jump here
higher difs have a jump here
in that case its ok
idk my instruments sorry for confusiom. its fine then but consider charting to the cello considering tahts what i heard easiest. make the LNs a jump to emphasize cello over violin
fixed but will leave open i may or may not have made a mistake (hopefully not) edit: also i did a lil more than what you said since every 4 beats in chorus a backing synth kinda exists so there are quads there and few other spots
i prefer my charts synced personally. as mentioned in last issue i responded to, if someone else agrees with your fix i shalt implement
im not really a fan of that fix, i personally prefer my charts accurate to the music rather than simplified. also i havent used any 1/3 or 1/6 beat anywhere else (besides end) so just having a random ass 1/6 is prob akward. i think leaving it as it is would go harder but if someone else thinks its better then ill maybe do this
right i think i fixed it, will leave it open
lets go for ranked hell yeah
thank hype nboy
considering most of my hypes are just given then probably yeah. thank for hype :D
yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy 5/5 maybe ill ask a BN to check it out. i only asked 2/5 hypes so this probably means the chart is good :D
thanks for hype!
6k really is underrated, thanks for hyping!
thanks for hype :D