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Walpurgiss's Modding History

i added finish too at 02:40:849 - and 02:41:352 - since the crash is similar with 02:46:218 - and 02:46:721 -
move it -5ms to really make sure now
the ranked standard set seems overthinking the timing and doesn't converted well for normal taiko map. applied your suggestion since looks like it would work better.
hmm yeah the intro seems late but i need to figure out how to fix this without messing everything
ok applied
whoa how did you notice that it's not really noticable when playing. will fix.
01:53:006 - and 01:54:012 - while lacking the oboe sound from previous part technically added the triplet to achieve the same pace for the section.
hmm at 01:47:643 - and 01:48:648 - there is oboe sound that didn't exist at 00:42:364 - section so i think the extra 1 triplet is justified for the extra instrument.
true, applied
hmm can work too but i think in this place i prefer to put note at drum 00:56:107 -
00:51:330 - 00:51:749 - same
00:29:877 - want to keep to reflect the wind instrument in the background
00:30:632 - being different color than 00:30:296 - i think is emphasized enough no need to remove finisher flow imo
good idea
changed 00:09:347 - to K maybe can emphasized the crash you mentioned
following strong melody from 00:07:503 - , 00:08:006 - , 00:08:509 - , and 00:08:844 - i think more natural to keep it as big note
tried some changes
SV increased
after some testing i think it's better before since the barline there is the start of the build up from lower SV
made it 1.5 so bar line is same speed as 01:35:995 -
hmm i think i prefer the to emphasize the melody at 00:16:386 - with k as you said
i swear it was 200 idk why it revert should be fixed now
that's true..
I think all the finishers are justified for example at 00:14:207 and - 00:14:710 - the sound is stronger than the surrounding and it emphasized better with finisher so i don't quite understand what you mean by removing the finishers would better emphasize the stronger notes in the song. On the contrary if i put all 1/2 notes as finishers at 02:53:760 - 02:54:263, 02:55:101 - 02:55:604, 02:56:442 - 02:56:945 the stronger sound at the start and end of chain will be less emphasized.
okay then
DREAM SOLISTER is next after Blast!
di kordinat segitu euphoniumnya keliatan sedikit banget. kalo yang sekarang keliatan jelas kalo instrumen yang lagi dipegang itu euphonium
tried to add 1/2 at first section and removed some in second section to balance things out
ah, i made it k so it is inverted with 1st kiai 01:17:811 (5,6,7,8,9,10) - so i reverted the change back
i think 7tuplet is good to end things here, removed the finisher though so it's less excessive.
a bit different case at 02:05:069 - because the drum at 02:04:102 ~ 02:04:908 - is more intense than the case at 00:48:940 - , so i shifted the focus to the drum and leave it empty instead for better flow
music is paused a bit at 01:39:424 - so leaving it empty would emphasize it imo