the ranked standard set seems overthinking the timing and doesn't converted well for normal taiko map. applied your suggestion since looks like it would work better.
hmm at 01:47:643 - and 01:48:648 - there is oboe sound that didn't exist at 00:42:364 - section so i think the extra 1 triplet is justified for the extra instrument.
I think all the finishers are justified for example at 00:14:207 and - 00:14:710 - the sound is stronger than the surrounding and it emphasized better with finisher so i don't quite understand what you mean by removing the finishers would better emphasize the stronger notes in the song.
On the contrary if i put all 1/2 notes as finishers at 02:53:760 - 02:54:263, 02:55:101 - 02:55:604, 02:56:442 - 02:56:945 the stronger sound at the start and end of chain will be less emphasized.
a bit different case at 02:05:069 - because the drum at 02:04:102 ~ 02:04:908 - is more intense than the case at 00:48:940 - , so i shifted the focus to the drum and leave it empty instead for better flow