juu no siinä kävi sillä tavalla, että lährettiin ukkojen kans saunomaan ja pitkään siinä puhuttiin siitä uudesta kamerasta mikä tohon kauhajoen välille oli tullu :DD tomppa sen sitte keksi, että käydään yllyttämäs noi paikalliset julkkisjuopot räjäyttämään se kamera sellaasella kotitekoosella putkireiskapommilla :DDD no ei siinä, nehän ryhty hommiin ku luvattiin niille jätesäkki täynnä panttipulloja ja lava pirkkaa :D ei menny kauaakaa ku ne sen pisti sitte kasaan ja menivät räjäyttämään sen :DDDD ei vittu että saatiin hyvä video :D naureskellaan sille poikien kans viäläki ei saatana :DDD
i think it's fine ignoring them. Should be quite clear what i'm following while playing and the emphasis on new measures feels nicer to me with the 1/1 gap
02:55:390 (2,3,4) - could probably compromise a bit with the timing
03:09:142 (5,6,1) - this could probably get adjusted a bit so it's less of a chore to play
04:15:811 (1,2,3) - sounds a bit off
i'll edit this if i think of/find more
i guess yea, following vocals would however require quite a hefty overhaul on my parts and as such i'd much rather keep stuff as is. Overall I'm not too keen on following vocals in my maps since i feel like they just turn into inconsistent mess with nothing memorable to them
if this bars the map from getting ranked i guess i don't have much choice. In that case i'll just remap or something
can keep this point open for now
like i said, it feels out of place visually when the pattern before closely follows a direction https://agony.s-ul.eu/KcWKJoMP but then 01:57:891 (5) - completely goes against it https://agony.s-ul.eu/qwh4dK1L even tho it's more or less supposed to be grouped with the previous stuff in a similar fashion. You can ignore that 1/4 slider thing I had an aneurysm. Hope I explained it well enough
sorry i wasn't clear enough. I mean the extended slider feels out of place when there's that blast beat going on in the background. Also since all of the previous stuff in this part has been mostly 1/8 sliders
nc is there pretty much just to separate it from 01:12:231 (1,2) - since it doesn't feel like part of the same thing to me. Also cause the followpoint would make this look like dogshit LOL. Guess I could also argue that it emphasizes the vocals and the snare
honestly the previous version was there just as a joke and i never intended to even push it lul. But yea I guess this is a bit lackluster compared to your example. However, there has not been any 1/6 stuff happening within 1/4 so i'd much rather keep these as passive sliders. I'll change 05:11:537 (2) - to circles to get rid of the 1/2 click factor so it's a bit more intense
i went through all the kick patterns, fixed many. Should hear a clear difference now
- 00:37:587 (1,2,3,4) - drummer rushing - this was ass to (try to) fix
- 01:10:032 (1,2,3) - timing late (more or less starting with 01:09:659 (3,4,5) - rushing a bit ig) - fix'd, i hope
- 01:19:218 (8) - late - ye
- 01:22:954 (2,3) - late - ye
- 01:39:282 (1) - tail late. Considering it's kinda one-off business, you could also just snap the tail to 1/9 tick at 01:39:447 - which seems kinda accurate, or something. - not doing anything to this since it's just one off. 1/9 sounded weird af
- 03:35:725 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - drummer rushes this a bit; at the very least, 03:36:273 (1) - is pretty late, and so is 03:36:461 (2) - still. 03:36:649 (3) - is fine, but 03:36:837 (4) - is late again - compromised a bit with this since i don't want this to play like complete ass, hope that's fine
- 03:37:965 (7) - late - seems like a one off thing again so rather keep this as is
- 03:44:536 (8,9) - both late, 9 more so - fixed since 10 is a slider, 8 is still a tad late i guess but rather not have a redline for every circle
- 03:47:166 (1,2,1,2) - drummer rushing a bit, timing gest late. - fix
- 03:48:091 (2,1,2) - late - should be a bit better
- 03:51:285 (4) - tail late, maybe possible to do some snapping magic again idk - no snapping magic, 03:51:653 (1,2,3) - were kinda late too so fixed
- 03:57:665 (1) - this could honestly be a bit later (aka timing is early) - don't think it's worth it to try and properly fix this for the sake of playability
- 04:22:034 (3,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - more or less whole thing is bit late; timing is on point again at 04:24:270 (1) - , 04:23:711 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - is kinda here and there - fix'd
- 05:11:907 (4,5,6,7) - rushing a bit, even more than the current bpm is going for heh - smol fix
- 05:19:599 (1,2,3,4) - getting late - fix
- 05:31:781 (2,3) - bit late - fix
- 05:35:970 (5,6,7) - bit late - this whole thing is so fucked that i'd rather just compromise
- 05:43:784 (2,3,4) - getting late - fix