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i dont wanna use sv or place a note here!
added the following: kiseki☆inparusu electropop synthpop electro synth pop
i see what you mean but i feel like it would have the opposite effect because i used 7plets for all of the previous repetitions like: 01:28:261 - 01:35:761 - 01:43:261 - so cutting down to a shorter pattern doesn't seem very optimal to me
i want this pattern to be isolated in order to emphasizethe sound im following, i used the same logic for these as well: 00:58:261 (241,242,243,244,245,246) - 01:02:011 (265,266,267,268) - 01:05:761 (290,291,292,293,294,295,296) -
i prefer to use hp5 because on this diff
will change that, host can resolve when he updates my diff
i think its fine because its a guest diff so it needs to show possession in a way
I agree that having these notes be evenly spaced is generally better
you can always just change the finisher to D so you can make it easier without changing the notes before it
this is probably the least uncomfortable thing in the map so i don't see why it should be changed, it's pretty easy to hit
regarding these two parts 01:46:100 - 03:20:132 - like boaz mentioned already it makes perfect sense to map them using a long stream in the context of this map, but i do agree that the drum solo on 02:50:014 - doesn't give off the same energy. For comparison, the first 2 parts feature constant 1/2 snare drums, the electric guitar playing in the background as well as the vocals being present as its the chorus while 02:50:014 - is pretty much just the drums playing since well.. its a drum solo, so i believe it'd be nice if you did something else here which would be unique in the map, much like the drum solo is unique in the song. I would even argue that the kiai time being on here feels off to me as well, but the kiai usage in the map overall is unconventional so it probably makes sense in a way
i changed this part a bit 00:35:085 - there's still not 3/2 rest but i feel like its reasonable now
you're right i fixed it
good idea, applied!
i liked how the sv looked so i thought its intentional my bad D:
yeah sounds good, applied
prefer to keep it as it is cuz its cool and i want to keep the long 1/6 on the main hand
hmm, this is not the kind of detail i wanna focus on in a kantan diff so i wont apply
i prefer the current structure more
i dont want to use the same pattern length as the previous pattern for contrast so i wont apply
i see the logic behind the suggestion but i dont want to apply this as im personally not a fan
i see what you mean but i will change it in a different way which i think fits nicely
will apply but only 01:06:316 - 01:11:649 - im liking this change a lot
00:46:538 - kd 00:51:871 - dk
a step in the right direction 👏
good idea, put some 1/6 here
i want 00:30:013 (13,14,15) - to be the same as 00:26:813 (9,10,11) - so i'd rather omit that note
prefer 100%
idk why boaz removed that kiai but its there on the file i sent him on discord
good idea, applied
i'd rather not use any 1/4 here tbh
agreed, will change this
i wont remove 00:48:394 - because i think using a longer pattern than 00:32:923 - works well as there's more stuff going on here. i will apply the second suggestion tho and isolate 00:50:923 - (ahtaon gave me permission to make changes to his parts)
i think these patterns are fine tbh, no need to change them imo
will remove them from this diff
good catch, will add on inner
added kkd