modder info

Asonate's Modding History

thank you!
mfw i wake up to an email from peppy osu linking me to this post
Bit late on the reply, but thank you, love to hear that!
Thank you!
If I'm honest, because I tried that first and didn't like how it looked haha Don't 100% like it as of now either, so I'm keeping this open and will hopefully find a better fix in the future.
I personally prefer this because I primarily want cursor movement to slow down, which it does way better with a twist than with a straighter stream. The bass is also different every 4 blue ticks, with the first 8 note stream being backed with one note on the flutes, and the second having a more complex note sequence.
Probably gonna do, keeping open so I don't forget when NCing
They are emphasized via hitsounds, I don't want to alter the 4note burst cause that would ruin 05:30:017 (5) -
I slow-SV because it fits the bass in the song better. Think holds into explosion once the prominent bass stops again at 05:14:920 (1) -
No NC since the triple is essentially a lead-in to the downbeat, which would be NCed otherwise.
Maybe, I'll check back for this when NCing at the end.
Changed the jumps around a bit
Curve or no curve I personally don't see as a big deviation, so those are fine in my book. The reason it curves harder in the drop is cause the song is more intense there, warranting a snappier movement.
Don't be, it's a good point to make! Fixed
Potentially, I'm torn cause a lead-in NC on the triple makes just as much sense. Keeping this open till I get to NCing.
NC probably yes, pattern itself is curved cause i like it better that way. Gonna do NCs once all modding stuff is done cause custom CC are a pain if combos keep changing.
Agreed, i mirrored 3 vertically and readjusted it a bit to not overlap
since its nivas part, im reopening it for him to fix
good catch!
just a note that this has been resolved like a year ago lmao
just a note that this has been resolved like a year ago lmao
just a note that this has been resolved like a year ago lmao
Most likely not gonna happen unless someone else sets it, sorry :(
Thank you!
Thanks friend!
You're gonna fix my timing on this at some point, let's be real here :^) Thanks for haipu!
thank you!
Thanks brother
Orochimaru did nothing wrong
jinxing all chances for 2019 lmao
should be good
somewhat changed, so fixed