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Jason X's Modding History

Btw, you did add a note there on Muzukashii
Image is no longer loading, so no idea what you're suggesting. When it was loading the quality was too bad to see what was being suggested, asked about it in DM but got no response :(
aaaa, fixed
You've essentially put sv markers at the sections end/start points, so it's pretty simple to see what I mean if you check those positions/inbetween them.
And 04:40:747 (367,368) - (even though not finishers)
Also here 04:01:234 (330,331,332) -
Same here: 03:40:015 (297) -
Same can be applied here: 03:35:259 (287) -
03:23:186 (273) - move to 03:23:550 -
Apply the same here: 01:34:893 (126,127) - (even though not finishers, 1/1 back is stronger)
If you add this, also make this note a kat: 01:11:844 (210) - It's the same instrument playing, so having it as kat would give it more emphasis.
The same should be applied here: 00:36:722 -
I did sort of add a climax though, essentially went with your second suggestion, but note 1-3 are a single repeat slider (1/1 snapped).
"Absolutely not" (literally my first thought) First image: I have not used an actively pressed 1/1 pattern longer than 3 notes in the whole map, and I don't plan to do that for a climax. Second image: I'm opposed to the idea of having two consecutive 1/1 sliders. I do get the idea of a sort of climax for the map, but I do not wanna have a spike in my patterns like that, which could easily trip new players to loose their combo so short of the end, which is frustrating enough.
Kind of surprised you mention this one instead of 02:14:304 (4,5,6,1,2) - , which is the same with one more note. Might not've been as obvious, as the one I mention is more or less hidden in a curve, opposed the one you mentioned, as it's in a straight line. Going by complication, the Kiai is considered a lot harder than this, with more frequent rhythm changes. Nevertheless, I've changed this pattern up a bit.
No. 01:37:638 - has a more significant sound backing the note, so it's better suited to be the first after the break. Also, since the music & lyrics are the same at 00:12:304 - and I want to keep them the same for the first note position wise.
I'm gonna outright deny your example image on the count of the 1/1 sliders. Given the simplicity of the diff they don't fit in at all. But you're right, I could redo this part to be less repetitive, and so I did.
Made them less repetitive.
Had a look at the mention ones and fixed them. Also changed distance snap on some other parts to be more consistent. Note: I did not adhere distance snap to gaps longer than 2/1, as the distance would (in my opinion) be too long on the playfield. Also: I used grid snap (Medium) to snap notes, so minor differences in the distance snap are to be expected.
Ah, must have missed that when I cleared out the SV while making my GD. Applied an Kiai extension.
Fixed whatever that was
Google literally flagged the email notification as spam, lol
Ended up making 02:29:555 (3) a Kat after all:
Decided against this, in consideration of the RC
No: Going from 02:09:909 until the finisher, the focus is solely on the drums, having a single note to represent the guitar throws of the pattern.
02:29:555 (1) yes 03:05:661 (1) no, this one is meant to be DD (uniform in every diff), reason is that these two notes are way more highlighted as Don in the top 2 diffs (since they're surrounded by kats)
The idea of making them kat for contrast, sure. The idea of making them finishers, no: The sound behind the notes is not significant enough to warrant them being finishers.
hmmm, yes and no. I did make 02:52:387 (1) a finisher, since this vocal does carry some intensity, but the others don't.
Received pic on discord: Not exactly what you suggested, but I did rework this part to something similar.
No on the finisher, while I agree for the sounds being strong, they're just not strong enough. Making them finishers would take emphasis from the last note away. I did change up the pattern though, to have some color variation with focus on the drums.
Image is infinite loading, could you send it over discord please?
Never mind, I remember why: Too many similar sounds in this section that would interrupt the pattern with Finishers, so reverted to no finisher
Agreed (Why didn't I make this a finisher in the first place???)
Changed the pattern up to fit better to the song, but no on the finisher: 01:55:042 - would be a more significant place for a finisher, but I am not comfortable with the idea of having a finisher inbetween 2 notes like that.
No: I do not mean to have a note behind the double finishers ( ) "might wanna make 02:29:555 (3) a kat instead" Keeping as Don, to have it uniform with the other diffs.
Actually no, but you brought something to my attention, I did not mean to have a note behind the double finishers. Removed the 3rd note at 00:38:582 Also changed 00:47:608 - to Kat, so it's consistent with the other diffs (as was initially intended for the "Hey Hey"
Added and changed the pattern in the area up a bit, so the two points ( 00:04:599 and 01:04:068 ) are the the same patterns
Applied to title
Just noticed, you did fix gresham, but the rest is still out there
You added: "tyler greeshin", but it should be "tyler gresham" "josh reike", but it should be "josh rieke" "been turk", but it should be "ben turk" The rest checks out :)
Can't really zoom in on the mod discussion one, so here's a bigger version: (Photo made by me btw, I bought the album a couple years ago)
also at: 01:53:895 - and 03:37:895 -
Also note: Apple Music & Deezer both marked this song as Explicit, likely due to the artists name and the Album cover. The lyrics of this particular do no varant the need of the explicit tag, so you can leave that one disabled.
Why did you mark this a problem though? Praise would have been the better option...
How did I manage to do this?
Yes, it's better :)