I had the 4 finishers to emphasize candys last lyrics of his verse before bhad bhabie takes over.
4 finishers on his 4 syllables.
okay looking at it now i might not use this for the muzu but i like this emphasis on his lyrics so il use it for the harder diffs BUT! i noticed error on this part, 2nd finisher is actually 1/3!! il fix this for all diffs, THOUGH oni and up is getting finishers, but muzu and below il follow what you said
fixed the 1/2 pattern thingy but my brain small can you explain the break thingy im reading the criteria and its not making sense
its this right
"At least 1 rest moment that is 2/1 or longer should be inserted after 32/1 to 36/1 of continuous mapping. Using rest moments less frequently is acceptable if either the pace of the music makes rest moments counter-intuitive or if the continuously mapped part is overall more forgiving to the player."
ok update i prolly dont need to worry abt this theres decent and explainable 1/1 breaks, fixing the 1/2 (7) problem should also fix the break problem, just to make sure i inserted like 2
ok update i redid ALOT of stuff, originally I represented her lyrics but also wanted to represent the beat, since her lyrics are 1/3, and the beat is 1/4, you literally cannot do that, I was trying to make it work and horribly failed.
old representation
"(1/4)If he cheatin im (1/3)doing him worse"
(1/4)kdkkd (1/3)kkdk
trying to represent 808 while also trying to go with her lyrics, when i map rap generally rappers stick with the beat on 1/4 and representing lyrics and the beat at the same times comes easy to me. though redoing this
new representation
"(1/3)If he cheatin im doing him worse"
(1/3)ddkkdkdk (and various other color combos)
though theres times when ice spice breaks 1/3 and burst 1/4 for 3 syllables
(1/4)"I dont care" (1/3) "cuz he did it first"
The lyrics part of the song is now strict 1/3 and broken when when the lyrics themselves represent 1/4 triplets which is only here and there and very consistent. Next In the instrumental beat outro i switch to 1/4 snapping and map from there. Im happy with the new results
This was a big problem me and star and default were going on about, the lyrics are 1/3 but the beat is 1/4, we either choose lyrics or beat. I wanted a way to include both while sounding good and not feeling like im playing ekoro. im gonna put oni diff into alchyrs and see if i can keep adjusting stuff, right now i have my intended idea on paper. il tweak a few things but i like how it is right now
i adjusted some stuff along your lines so the gp doesnt feel so repeated, i agree the 808s were spammed alot. I added triplets in the parts on the chorus on spice's main verses so it feels special, while also adding variation to the overall diff. i also tried adding in some breaks on 00:31:781 -> 01:04:599. hopefully that fixes the thingy lol