modder info

L_QT's Modding History

Version 3 of the map, made minor adjustments taking in consideration the suggestions from l43yrnt plus his changes
Changed to be similar to previous 01:25:396
Done, but instead of having various jumps in the 02:38:233 section I added just one jump at 02:38:791 to follow the vocals sinchrony
Yeah im just throwing that idea away and adding those anyway
Just like I missed some on purpose while some other just passed by my perception, the idea was to keep it mostly easy at early stage with one jump every couple snaps. In the cases where a double note that should follow another jump just after it like the first three ones discussed I feel would be quite delibetare to add like a difficulty spike, one could be added but two followed would be too much
Added a couple 2/4 Lns
Yeah I missed that, done
Done and applied same change to the one that follows
Im fine with this, done
I believe for the sake of progressive and "consistency" the three of them are all perfect, just maybe because of the new added Ln following the first marked section another note could be added but creating one shield which could be quite unfitting