modder info

Pizza69's Modding History

updated tags, audio, and offset
reduced anchor slightly
sure, rearranged to highlight contrast
done all. 2:17.753 I just missed the first time around, for the others I think my headset struggles to pick up those frequencies. It feels good with them included, though, so I put them in.
pretty conflicted on this, but ultimately I think I won't include these. I see where you're coming from, but these do technically start a half-snap earlier and at that point it's too muddied from the omitted burst sound the beat before. In the first timestamp you list, the sound is pretty audible from that point on, but it's more subdued in the second instance and I prefer the consistency and simplicity of what I currently have.
yeah i like this, rearranged to focus on the chimes
good call, done in both cases
Added source to description
- 2:11.373, 2:12.580, 2:16.891, 2:18.098, 2:23.615: These being singles are consistent--I use jumps in this section where the kalimba meets another instrument, but not on its own (even if the sounds are particularly strong). The exception is 2:07.063 as you mention because that's the transition into the section and a single would have felt underwhelming imo. - 2:28.442: Ooh nice catch, jump added.
OD and life changed to 8.5.
Yep, this is a 192nd, the song has a funny sync moment here and here only haha.
- Tags fixed, BG source added to description. - OD and life changed to 8.5. - 1:43:105: Yep, this is a 192nd, the song has a funny sync moment here and here only haha. - 2:11.373, 2:12.580, 2:16.891, 2:18.098, 2:23.615: These being singles are consistent--I use jumps in this section where the kalimba meets another instrument, but not on its own (even if the sounds are particularly strong). The exception is 2:07.063 as you mention because that's the transition into the section and a single would have felt underwhelming imo. - 2:28.442: Ooh nice catch, jump added. Thanks for the review!