modder info

gay girl's Modding History

uploaded fix
should i get rid of the 6 thats after staff roll as well as the th06
resolve bc yeah whole now mp3 and no intro timing
hello im back what do i do now that intro song is gone
resolving as getting rid of intro song and gathering a spread now 💔💔💔
added tags and removed invisible character
offset should be fixed now but will keep this open until u say its ok (redownload)
added them and removed "extra" tag
alright awesome tyyyyyyyyyyyy
im a lil confused should i replace the current tags with this or just add it on to existing ones
where would u recommend starting instead
id like to keep it as is if i can, the taiko set u linked is an artificially extended version of the song from back when that was allowed
felt this too but decided i will fix after u mod and when fixing the audio quality anyways
thanks bakachungus
thanks brah
fixed to end on 1/3 tick ( 02:20:518 (1) )
yah sure ( new timestamp 03:03:718 (5,1) )
fixed ( new time stamps are 03:32:968 (1,2) and 03:58:918 (1,2) )
instead of nerfing and changing everything else i buffed 02:52:400 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5) to make it stand out in the section more
would rather keep it as drums
moved 04:44:386 (1,2,3,4,5) - upwards like u said
ok its now a 1/2 slider
changed to whats in the image
yeah okk made intention slightly more obvious
simplified rhythm like u said and moved around pattern to fit
changed this and uploaded all of the changes to hs done by aly
5 big booms for ur hitsounds
thabks aly ur my favourite mi-.. mapper!!!
thanks bakachungus!!
thank you tacoyaki5
would personally rather not change it sorry
changed rhythm in that section to be more fitting and to put emphasis on the loud snare at 04:08:812
changed to keep the previous ideas for that slider at 04:04:861 (1)
buffed to be spaced more accordingly to the intensity and section
id rather not full nc that sorry
changed to be more comfortable and have less of a stark difference in spacing