modder info

Beneke's Modding History

dude put some effort how am i suppose to read this lmao
yep thank you fixed!
here is 1/4 we can hear the drum 5 time
wtf did i did here with the slider lmao fixed!
fixed thankss
you can hear it at the end at the 3 and 4 green its 1/4 and that would fit more the song at the moment
ty i didn't even noticed
yes right
Its not a problem you train it on some other map when will master it u will think of that moment and say that was pretty easy lol it is actually u just have to try brother i dont influence you its good too if u keep this patterns just a suggestion my bro
same for the stream here 05:27:532
awww stop im going 🧱 👉👈 ty !
sorry I didn't see this, done, thanks appreciate a lot !
hell no i dont know why and how to remove it
thank youuu !
thank you ☺️
Ty <3
sorry for anwsering this late what i meant that you could just continue the stream instead of burst here 02:12:970
thanks i did not pay attention. Fixed
it could be confusing so i just did circle imo it's more readable
01:00:302 (4,1) i did less spaced here to repsent the end of the patterns that will restart, like the verse restart here too it fit better and ther eis no reason i do much space here imo. For the other things you said, it's not intentional i map it for the contrast but ou make a good point here 01:05:491 (4,1) it's way too much spaced here
this part is following drum bcs there is lot more to exploit since the guitar here have a linear pattern wich means i could only do sliders that would completely broke the intensity and would be senseless for players and prepare too player for the next part wich is more intense
i get your idea but in this case it would be a breakable moment for player they dont expect that and there is already the cut stream that is hard i don't it would be well welcomed a patterns as hard as this i can try something like this less spaced so player can wiggle if they want or not
i just hope it would not be too much
the tone dicrease at 00:46:113 whereas if i did more spacing here 00:45:707 (4,1) it's because of the tone change used here. Because it goes acute to severe the change is stronger than at 00:46:113 bcs it's go severe to acute so i find good to reduce a lot the spacing and for the last thing you said indeed it would be better if i add more spacing
oh my bad
i cannot do unnc, i regrouped them to fit instrument. What i changed is that i fit them into rythm changes and instrument changes, the tones too, acute or grave. I tried to repsent this song part at the maximum i was able to. But if i nc there it would be a complete mess bcs of the previous organization and if i nc here 00:31:356 i don't think it's a problem since it's justified by the previous thing i said
i see, but i think im going to keep slider since the patterns represent the instrument well i will just emphize those well
i see your point but i don't i can't get something else without having something more contrasted than the other. It would make me focus on one part to constrast that would be weird whereas here i can contrast everything and balanced enough
imo a slider would fit better. thanks i did not really notice that
yea that was a mistake. Fixed
yea i see it's better indeed
:) <3
yea not timing point the green line*
you right slider endings and yet the cricle idea is great !
i thought of that too, i will do this but idk if it is rankeable that way i will leave it with a pause and if it not good i will change !
until it don't disturb the play it could be okay for the moment and i think it could add something to the map to simplify some things and be more playable and enjoyable thanks!
true i will se what i can do
ohhh i didn't even noticed
but if i place a slider at 00:13:250, keep the burst and a circle at 00:13:500 it fit the logical of the map in all case i can only do that to make feel the guitar aughhh
you right tho
idk why i don't put slider there im so mean lmao
that's a good idea, but in my opinion a kick is better since this specific part is a sort of constant flow so it feel better and it is easier for player to adapt, adding the fact that the rythm increase spontaneously