modder info

Silverboxer's Modding History

i changed it a little so it makes more sense i think
i did 1/8 like you said in the other post and it sounds good to me
following vocals and I think it works fine as a short tapping break like 00:59:527 (5, 6) - and 01:06:928 (1,2) - between the intense rhythms
i think it will look weird since all of these notes are part of one pattern so I don't want a nc in middle of it
yeah i completely changed this whole section, hopefully it's better now
i like this longer gap made by the slider to match long vocal (i did not realize these are 4 year old mod posts)
i don't hear a sound on the blue tick so i will keep it slider
i think if i do this i will have to change the entire pattern, since it makes no sense to skip this rhythm unless a slider is passing over it. (since without the hold note of a slider, the kick drum makes it sound like the vocal has a rhythm here) so i will think about it
oh sure i can make it cs 3.5 and then i will see how to adjust everything
i changed it a little bit, let me know what you think
I did combo here visually since i think it looks weird to nc at 00:30:849 (8) - even if it fits the vocal phrase. there's just too many syllables in a row so I ignored the one at 00:31:113 since it's not prominent while the ones on the white ticks stand out more to me
I considered putting a circle in the center of the playfield at this rhythm but i think it's too hard compared to the other rhythms i did
yup fixed
there is no vocal here but I don't mind adding it since it's stacked anyway
I moved 00:44:461 (1) up a little
oh true i thought there was a vocal there for some reason
i can't seem to get it perfect by moving the nodes 1 pixel at a time but i moved it so the slider tick is centered at least. i don't think you can even tell unless you look at the grid in the editor
yes i saw when i mapped it, forgot to mention it before. I will figure out a way to fix this eventually
i can keep these 01:16:591 (2,3) - or also no?
i think i want to keep it this way, it's not that out of place. the kiai after this reintroduces curve sliders and these sections are a bit less repetitive with the curved bursts
ok i think i did it
ok wait i might change it back because the star rating went from 5.55 to 5.61 and i think its funny if i keep it at 5.55
i'll see how i can change it
i pictured it in my head like the producer tag but we can just remove the parentheses
yeah i probably did it to break up the low density stuff but it does feel out of place so i'll change it to follow the melody
i done did it
fixed all diffs
oops i forgot to actually add it. done
yeah i forgot i made hard od 6, od 4 is fine for normal
Jew is JEW for Jimmy Eat World which is used to shorten the band name sometimes
sure why not. will it actually make any difference since its already the song name?
it's in the album name!
ok i did it
i changed these from repeat 1/1 to a 1/1 and then 1/2 to match vocals: 00:57:391 (1) 01:45:329 (1) i think it makes sense to keep 00:58:891 (5,6,7) as low intensity for the end of the section. but i added a circle at 01:48:133 (8) to match higher intensity of the vocal and transition into another kiai