i think if i do this i will have to change the entire pattern, since it makes no sense to skip this rhythm unless a slider is passing over it. (since without the hold note of a slider, the kick drum makes it sound like the vocal has a rhythm here) so i will think about it
I did combo here visually since i think it looks weird to nc at 00:30:849 (8) - even if it fits the vocal phrase. there's just too many syllables in a row so I ignored the one at 00:31:113 since it's not prominent while the ones on the white ticks stand out more to me
i can't seem to get it perfect by moving the nodes 1 pixel at a time but i moved it so the slider tick is centered at least. i don't think you can even tell unless you look at the grid in the editor
i think i want to keep it this way, it's not that out of place. the kiai after this reintroduces curve sliders and these sections are a bit less repetitive with the curved bursts
i changed these from repeat 1/1 to a 1/1 and then 1/2 to match vocals: 00:57:391 (1) 01:45:329 (1) i think it makes sense to keep 00:58:891 (5,6,7) as low intensity for the end of the section. but i added a circle at 01:48:133 (8) to match higher intensity of the vocal and transition into another kiai