about gd request: i'll give response before next wednesday and need to check there's something to map at low level. and may confirm if you really want an easy/normal gd since you don't need one for ranking it
also i guess the difficulty gain mostly come from sharp and triangle patterns like 00:08:765 (2,3,4). not a common pattern in a normal diff though. still ok but maybe can nerf it a little.
a spinner is after break so it doesn't count. also it's hard to replace the first two spinners with slider due to bpm change. and i like the spinners so not change
the diff name is a placeholder. if i can push it to rank then i might need to change it.
also only rhythm like normal, all patterns are do with easy ways
i dont see any snap errors here. maybe because i just did a slider length recalculation. they should have been fixed now
do some research and find that what you say is right. also find that this is only a guideline.
close now and i will take care for it if any bn say so when i push it for rank in the future
(besides, this map is definitely unrankable now without hitsound...
"are not oversimplified"
i believe so. this map follow clear logic to represent the song
also for ref, this is rankable https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/399585
i have to admit that this slider is a different story from 01:25:743 (1). though sv is still 1.0x here, the bpm is 205 that makes this slider is much faster than previous one. however i still want to use it since it's the building part before second kiai and i think using same pattern in both part would be nice. so i'm not changing it for now
in my opinion, though the slider itself might be hard, it might be not so hard to play since the exactly same pattern has shown once before. sry for my poor expression and i hope you can get it
it's overlapping since these objects are 1/2 beats apart from each other. however i think the flow is quite clear here. you can see in https://i.imgur.com/70SUEuj.gif (which shows 05:02:732 (2,3,4,5)) that the directions of these sliders are pointed directly to the next object. even the circle 5 (which is under the slider 2) can be clearly directed by the slider 4. so i'm not going to change the pattern for now.
(ya the pattern is a little hard for an easy diff. like i said in https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/1366030/discussion/2825458/general#/2151410 i can change diff name if necessary to avoid misleading
ya the slider is very long, also it's the longest slider in the map (12 beats). however i think it does not so intense for this map. the spiral shape is simple and the path does not change rapidly, also sv is relatively slow here (1.0x @ bpm 140). the only hard point is holding it for 12 beats, but i think it's fit since here is the long building before first kiai. not change for now
i think it should be not so confusing since (4,5) and (5,1) have same rhythm gap of 3/4, also here it does follow distance snap. and the pattern is clearly apart from 1/1 gap
since the rhythm is quite variable, it seems impossible to follow rc unless stick to 1/1 and 3/2 while mapping it less expressively. i've tried to make whole the thing not too far away. and thank you for mod