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DPPt444444's Modding History

you can ask more people for feedback i think the map is good. who expect a guy being inactive for six months reply 🙂
very random spacing but ok. but three slider 04:07:810 (3,3,3) - are toward the same direction, would be better you can rotate them to change the direction
better than the previous one just resolve this
ok plays better than the previous one
play experience told that it's better now
can buff more. 04:06:610 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - this is powerful but the next one 04:07:610 (1,2,3) you make them easy going ruined the tension of the song. i'd make 04:07:610 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - three group of the pattern the circle are spaced, 04:08:010 (1,2,3) - spacing is slightly bigger than 04:07:610 (1,2,3), and so on (04:08:410 (1,2,3) spaced more). also 04:08:810 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - can control G the circle 04:08:810 (1,2), 04:09:210 (1,2).
the flow isn't fluent as well. i make this circle is moved away and a slider is extended
seems good now
there are three groups of notes. first, just my preference, i move the first note 03:40:894 (1) to next to the slider head 03:40:144 (3) (hard for me to change if you put the first note to bottom right corner). and then make 03:41:394 (1,2,3,4) like a square movement (i put (1,3) next to the first note). but spacing 03:41:769 (4,1) - will be too far. can move the third combo group 03:41:894 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - down if you don't like this (bc not your style), we can continue finding if there is a better solution not just follow the mods.
which screenshot would you like? provide a change that i do or make a pic with problem you made?
for my observation, no one or few people (or map) do something for the break end. for this song and map no need to do anything for the break end. just naturally end the break
maybe i done my mod. but still have unused green line you can remove some
forgot to update i should recheck my mod again
you hyped my fake map, this is an unplayable map :(
done and remove solfa from tag
kiai has high speed slider so i decided to do kick for kiai. do kick for the whole map will be too much
i think current one is good so no change
maybe too much whistle so no added
added two circle. idk if it is good
i nc here 00:33:498 (1) bc i didn't follow someone's suggestion. but ok i added. there is double nc 00:32:784 (1,1) -
very hard to change for me... large spacing and increasing sv because i want to follow the scratch sound. the end of verse has long stream i think it is enough
i wanted to add before but i removed
done, sv+0.1
this is not huge diffspike. this is a problem or mistake as he is new at mapping (also this is Hard diff). this is 1/4 jump. you should move the slider touch the stream each other. use distance snap to test. i often see this problem when they make stream + 1 slider. triple as well. i ever made this mistake too when i was new to mapping.
no need to do anything to the slider. the slider is an idea for you to change those jump (the slider is small movement , so change the jump to small jump). i can see you change this 00:46:172 (1,2) but maybe you are not going to smaller this jump 00:40:613 (1,2). it's ok. btw i think you can move the note 00:35:227 (2) - to x:9 y:126 to become a circular pattern
maybe you should carefully listen to the music. this will effect your patterning and new combo
02:35:975 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - i forgot what you mapped in previous version. this is the repeat of the 02:33:309 (4,5,6,7,1,2,1,2) as you can hear from the song. so i say they are different section. if you would like to change all three parts you should change this 02:38:975 (1,2,3,4). also because you use different way to map them.
you can turn this 02:36:975 (1) - into circles. hard for me to explain, it will be so long.
01:18:975 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - good now. 04:06:975 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - you remove new combo but it's ok 02:35:975 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - let me think about this. this is different section
flow is better now. but visual become worse. maybe you use straight slider for them. use curved slider will be good
00:30:559 (1) - not this one. check here 02:11:499 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - has long chain of combo. also this 03:17:432 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - too so 00:31:050 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,1,2,3) - this is one measure. just give one NC so un-nc 00:32:545 (1) and 00:33:210 (1). also these three sections didn't include SV change, so these can be consistant. 03:06:954 have long chain of combo as well but here is some SV change so i don't pick here but you still can try NC some of them or no try
00:31:286 to 00:45:686 and 01:30:086 to 01:44:486 give NC to every big white tick (every measure)
02:21:750 (3,4,5) - this is enough. this is only appeared one time here and next object is double rhythm. use two sliders is weird to play
should make the circle jump "from" the drum sound. if you move the note further away will be 1 jump "to" 2 not "2 jump to 3"
fset fixed. but they ate my first note :(
last song's BPM is 166.205, which is written in HALLEY LABS' samples & resources web page. offset will be fixed
i think he said put a circle. but this is way too harsh because this 00:27:262 (3) is not a slider
and AIMOD. green lines are at the same time. don't know how it appears or automatically generated by something. and 01:16:467 (2) - just snap to 1/6
i check the NC part that i have suggested to you. need lots of works and efforts. there are still some mistake or oversight, but i don't want to point them one by one. leave them for other modders to mod or find them by yourself
i found that you rotated the slider 04:26:808 (1). since this slider 04:30:142 (1) - move toward to the top direction, i'd use the same dirction for the slider 04:27:475 (6). also the two sounds of the instrument 04:27:475 04:30:142 play similarly (someone may say the sounds are different because of the intensity and don't agree with this D: ), so you will have three slider move toward to the top direction 04:26:808 (1) - 04:27:475 (6) - 04:30:142 (1) - and their length is from short to long. but if you make this decision, the stream 04:27:975 (9) will receive overlap. you have to adjust the stream again
01:37:574 (13) - your previous version is correct. others like NC or changing 01:37:250 (9) - is up to you
the loop of the piano sound is called Arpeggio (idk what it called in English, i searched it from wiki). a playing skill in piano (really basic skill). the start of the loop is from this sound 00:07:412 (2) - like C-E-G and C-E-G loop. C is the lowest note, G is the highest note as you said "strong sound". the music end its loop to here 00:09:358 (7,8). we only give NC to C note. you can give emphasize for the strong sound 00:07:737 (4) - (G note) by giving some spacing but give NC is not correct. and he give NC to 00:08:385 (1) - which on the big white tick is not a randomly put