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-Yubi-'s Modding History

ok udah
done doine done
i think i understand a bit about what you mean by this. please tell me if i did something wrong, if not then i will resolve
ok diganti biar lebih jack
oke fixed
ini keep deh, biar simple
okay, semuanya dijadiin double aja
mmm okay
Al-Reina told me that Maxus said this is okay. And the reasoning for the double is pretty clear so i will resolve for now
not di 01:10:735 (70735|3) - aku hapus deh biar sama
ini maksudnya beda not placement atau karena ada double? kalo double udah dihapus. aku resolve buat sekarang
oke deh, prinsip awal kebalik karena cymbalnya suaranya lebih open makanya di open, tapi karena lebih keras suaranya cocokan gini. applied
lupa hehe, kebawa arus ama ln yang 01:06:007 (66007|3) - . fixed
mmmmmmmm boleh deh, bener agak aneh tiba tiba ganti konsep jadi ngiikutin aja ini
![]( jadi gini
true, dah ditambah not
you right
ok mang
should be done, but i don't really know if it's fixed so let me know if i did something wrong.
resloving this
got it, i think i got a good amount of notes that i deleted here. might've missed one or two though. but i'll resolve for now
does this applies to the ln tail too? if yes then i'll rearrange some of them
does this mean i need to change it? the criteria says it's fine to have double with the other hand
moved to column 2
you're right, applied
guess i overlooked the patterning, applied
makes sense, applied
the point with 02:25:735 (145735|2) - is to emphasize the vocals. i could add the one above but i think i'll keep this for now. if it's better i can just remove the note entirely to focus on the drums
i guess so, applied.
the reason for the difference is that i wanted to differentiate both part cause the chord goes up and down, but i guess that's easily done with patterning so im applying this
was aiming to have the same with the first chorus but true there's some difference with it, removed the mention ln and added ln in 02:12:916 (132916|0) .
if you hear it slowly you could hear the note buildup from the white line, it's just not very present because of the cymbal and the kick but it's there
this was a mistake i overlooked. fixed
moved it to 4th column and the one above to 3rd so done
![]( did it like this, i think it's more comfortable