modder info

wham's Modding History

gotcha, resolved
it was in the incorrect spot, i mustve heard it wrong but i believe that the timing point is needed (moved to 00:39:268) because without it i think it sounds off time. im going to leave this open though to see what others think
the timings you gave seem to work better! also i would greatly appreciate if you did hitsound :)
00:31:162 (31162|1) - LN's at this difficulty should be held for 1/2 a beat at least, this is 1/4th. I would recommend the original modders suggestion for each.
00:33:286 (33286|1) - same here
00:48:442 (48442|2) - same here
00:31:099 (31099|3) - 00:33:911 (33911|1) - same
00:21:099 (21099|0) - same here, its not a continuous bass note, you can substitute the end for rice
00:18:286 (18286|2) - same here.
00:03:599 (3599|0) - same here.
overlooked it! applied.
good suggestion, applied.
Thank you! :)
was an accident, thanks for catching that.
removed trill
changed to suggested pattern
changed to be jacks
00:47:166 (47166|1,47624|3,48082|0,48311|3,48540|2,48769|1) - same goes here
resnapped to 1/8 thanks
thanks for doing that, added
In this section (for HD and MX) the 3 & 4 note chords are representative of each section, as in HD each snare hit is 3 notes and in MX each is 4.
applied changes!
corrected/added all suggestions (aside from bitrate, i will finger that out in time). thank you very much!
applied all changes. good catch :)
the toms are still there which is what im following, but it gets much quieter with these 2 notes. did however remove the note at 01:44:872 because it was a ghost note
thanks, changed to double
deleted for consistency
Much obliged
there are also going to be some additional timing changes before halfway through the song, slow it down and listen carefully
hey, just checked again and I realized the correct bpm is 185, not 186, was in a hurry so sorry about that!
i would also suggest using 186 bpm since you're mapping in 1/8 and that brings it to 4/4 and simplifies it.
added doubles in this section to close the density gap
thus, you will also need to correctly resnap your notes to 1/4 as this song does not use 1/16 rhythms
somehow unassigned along with hs diff, resolved.
resolved, removed LN's
resolved, split LN in two to better represent vocals