modder info

GirlsKissing's Modding History

what sauce do you want? (Im going to give you none of it)
it's been 1 second bro
went from my wife having 1 line to my wife not existing 😔
no 🥰
what did he mean by this
All distance snap issues are related to 1/2 circles after sliderends which are made that way on purpose. Which I think is allowed maybe? probably? hopefully? I'll reopen this if it's not xd.
yea <3
personally I think blue ticks are fine but at the same time it's the only one in the section so I'll change it
done and made 00:37:694 (3,4,5) similar to 02:08:047 (3,4,5)
moved 01:41:047 (2) to make the jump sharper
I didn't even realize I did this oops
they are I just have all the cute ones, sorry
Moco Moco~!
Guruguru Guruguru
If you mean the slider itself no because I was trying to show that 00:14:400 (3) was less intense than 00:15:106. If you mean 00:15:106 (4,5), 00:17:930 (4,5) was used to emphasize the higher pitched vocals and the drum roll same with 00:23:577.
fixed my laziness ><
this was just done to match the other diffs but im glad u like it xd
using slider tail to passively map the bass sounds also changed to repeat slider
sure why not nc combo color thingy
Nc was originally for combo color thing but maybe is too much for normal
done but used different pattern
removed 01:43:341 (6) but kept 00:35:224 (1) cuz I like the impact it gives same with 02:05:577 (1)
yeah sure
honestly I kinda like this so I kept it the same gomenasorry
We need to get rid of vtubers thats what peppy wouldve wanted
Yep all diffs are open for GDs just dm me🥰
Guruguru Guruguru
Guruguru Guruguru
timing seems fine to me at most it's ~±1 which is not noticeable in gameplay
Yeah ur probably right here. I'll respond again when I decide what to do with it.
done but I changed it to a slider instead
I'll decrease like a tiny bit but overall I think it's fine because the sudden snare spam
Guruguru Guruguru
Guruguru Guruguru
done I think
did 01:24:930 instead but yea
went with 1/6 instead cuz I think 1/8 is a bit too fast