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ssapgosu's Modding History

THIS SONG ლ(╹◡╹ლ)
waht ![]( why my graph is so smooth
because of 03:27:432 (207432|5,207432|6,207502|3,207502|4) - these LN releases, we cant just shorten only notes ends with 1/8. so, to apply your mod, we have to decrease length of 1/4 LNs too. in that way, 3/16 short LN appears and playablity will get little bit worse. But if you still thinks shortening those is more important, we will try your mod.
망고의견 받아서, 빨간선 3노트 될 필요 없어서 결국 배치 찾았습니다. ![]( 이렇게 수정하면 될까요?
예시로 보면 ![](이렇게요?
혹시 순간밀도가 같거나 더 높으면서 1/8로 왼쪽-> 오른쪽으로 2번 진행할수 있는, 첫노트가 1col에서 시작하는 패턴 추천 가능하실까요? 버스트니까 순간밀도가 더 낮아지는건 좀 힘들고, 100% 기준으로 들었을때 소리가 2번 뭉쳐서 들리기에, 두번 진행해야할꺼같고 이전 진행하던 방향이 있으니 왼쪽에서 오른쪽으로 가는게 플레이성에 좋고 이전 커넥터가 1567에 위치하니 03:01:077 (181077|0,181077|4,181077|5,181077|6) - 첫 노트는 1번에 위치해야할꺼같아요. 03:00:797 - 여기부터 수정하셔도 되니 대안을 보여주시면 그게 기준(플레이성, 연계 잘되는지)에 맞는다면 그 즉시 고쳐보겠습니다. 지금 고쳐보려고 하는데 1/8로 하려고 해도 저런 의도들을 지키면서 하니 배치가 나오지 않아서요. 현재 찾은 그나마 나은 패턴은 ![](인데 저 드럼롤에는 1/2에 4노트가 들어갈정도인거같지는 않아서 애매하네요. 그리고 ![]( 이런 문제점도 있어서 가능하면 피하고싶네요.
망고님의 설명이 불충분해보여서 추가적으로 달아요. 02:05:282 - 03:21:544 - 여기만 봐도 2절은 1절 + 롱놋 이라는걸 아실수 있으실테고 전반적인 피치도 올라가고, 굉장히 어려운 키아이도 앞에 있기때문에 부드러운 난이도곡선, 1절과 확실히 다른점을 줌, 2절 자체의 컨셉에 맞음 이 3가지 이유로 롱놋이 복잡하게 들어간겁니다.
실제 칠때 플로우 ![]( 시각적인 플로우 ![]( 현패턴은 멜로디에 대해 (든이가 원하는 수준은 아니지만) 강조노트도 넣으면서 실제 칠때 플로우와 시각적인 플로우 둘다 만족시키며 칠때 플레이성에 문제가 없게 모든 구간이 짜여있고, 거기에 그에 문제가 되지 않으면서 드럼베이스를 잘 살릴수 있는 노트수를 구하고, 테스트하고, 배치 조정, 릴리즈 조정 등 우리의 기준(칠때 재밌고, 칠때 문제없으면서 노래에 맞게 흘러가는 맵) 에서 최상의 품질을 위해 미세 조정한 결과물입니다.
우선 깔려있는 드럼들은 일정한 양의 노트로 표현이 된거고, 그 위에 1/4에서 강조되는 멜로디가 있으면 2노트를 넣음으로써 곡의 제일 어려운부분인데도 노트 갯수 표현은 잘했다 생각합니다. 무엇보다 패턴의 플로우가 03:37:385 (217385|5,217385|0,217455|1,217455|6,217525|2,217596|3) - 03:37:666 (217666|4,217666|1,217736|3) - 03:37:666 (217666|4,217666|1,217736|3) - 03:37:946 (217946|4,217946|1,218016|2,218016|6,218086|5,218086|1,218156|4) - 03:38:226 (218226|2,218297|3,218367|4) - 이렇게 들어가서 실제 플레이를 하는 사람이라면 무조건 강조가 되었음을 느낄수 있을꺼라 생각합니다.
Quite reasonable. We'll make new version on local and playtest, seeing how it plays and how it looks in both percy and Rskin compared to current one.
and from 03:39:488 - , rules change a bit cause it is 2nd phase of this part.(after 03:38:927 - this burst) to introduce 4note on every 1/1, if we dont reduce number of notes for 1/4, it will ruin playablity because it will form some repetitive pattern or weird shape streams, both of them is not good. (we also considered that this is LN stream, so need bigger spaces) so reduced number of LN for 1/4 on this part. except for really strong melody, all 1/4 is now 1 note.
before mango comes and write his response, want to write about structure of this part. 1/1s -> 4 3 4 3 1/2 -> 3 notes 1/4 -> 2 if strong melody, otherwise, 1. i'm not sure why mango made 03:38:226 - double.
Nik's idea is right. Wanted to make clean 2 stroke delay for the sound. Also, it givs a lot of playablity. Did that explained it?
sound is different. so pattern is different. if you mark bookmark and compare two, you'll notice it.
All timeline you posted is 2 notes with similar strength. just in case if you want to spot other consistancy issue, mango fixed it. @Hugged ```Mappers have cracked the code. Staggering short LNs with very irregular snaps squeezes as much strain out of each note as the calculator allows.``` so mango did snapped those in nearest 1/8 and SR rised by its side effect. now you participated raising SR. I hope you dont say "mapper intentionally used weird snaps to increase SR" anymore. I know it is just modding post, but reading it was not pleasant at all.
Short note about HP sysyem HP9 Regens half HP per notes compared to HP8 Which means players should do twice better to pass the map (40miss -> 20miss is twice) Additionaly, there is significant burst on ending, which forces players to reduce misses more than actual HP forces to.
actually it was mango ( ̄y▽, ̄)╭
omitted for simplicity of the ending pattern.
lol signature pattern
fixed for better hand balance.
it needs some contrast, but made it little harder.
stacked for 1 note cause pitch is different. 02:27:432 - is full stacked cause melody pitch is same. 02:29:675 - is similarly 1 note stacked cause pitch is different.
fixed. now not rolly.
fixed. now 1/12 roll does not feel suddenly appear.
we think pattern is pretty enough and playes well. flipped 01:19:301 - to change direction
fixed to match actual sound. fixed snap for 01:16:638
mango told me bracket is not ok. might become boring as my map endroll. :sad:
fixed to double stair
changed structure tiny bit.
at least mango is sure. not sure its flute.
added. it is actually on 1/8 snap.
01:09:628 - already stacked other: fixed
keep. 00:52:525 (52525|6,52596|4,52666|6) - intended to repetitively appear this structure.
applied, except for 00:49:021 - . it is bit vause to treat as kick.
oh mango tried it, and felt it so weird to play. removed again.
fixed all