Thanks! I am glad you like it. I considered splitting it up but I felt like it is better as one long song, and when I listened to where each part starts on bandcamp it felt a bit strange lol
I put the hands there because I thought the map would be too inconsistent in difficulty and that part would be way easier than the rest, and there would be no variation, but if you think its fine to remove it then I will
I put the two LNs there because the pitch goes quite high at that part but if that is not the right way to represent it then I'll change. I put the two rice there because for the first one I was following the pattern I had before with all the big kicks or whatever in the song getting a 3 note chord, and for the second one I just wanted to make the next note also have a chord. If I am removing the jump LNs I will still be keeping the rice there because I want it to be a hand for the pattern. Sorry I am not very good at describing what I want to do lol
Those really long LNs are for the long chiptune notes in the song, not for the piano chords, that is why they are there in the first section. The piano chords are represented by the rice hands. I don't really understand the issue sorry
All the LNs in this part are just because I wanted to vary the patterns a bit and I thought they fit with those weird glitchy effects that happen but maybe I implemented them the wrong way. I would like to keep them so how could I make it better?
i put it there because theres a piano chord sound idk how to describe it, i feel like it fits but maybe it is not necessary, same for all the other chords in this section