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Stormeon's Modding History

nerfed it, yeah was a bit hard mb
fixed rhythm, thanks !
i feel like the song at 00:50:799 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,3,4) - increase every time but at 00:53:063 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,3,4) - it deacrease 00:54:195 (3) - then go back to almost the same intensity as before or at least as a higher pitch 00:54:761 (3) maybe im just dumb because i know im really bad at finding rhythm, so i dont mind changing to what you said if its better for the map :+1: (tldr; it might be better to have the symmetry but idk)
song is calmer but i liked the fact that for this part of the song i emphasize the instrument more ( 00:39:478 (1,2,1,2,3,1,1,2,3,1,2,3) - 00:44:006 (1,2,3,1,2,3) ) nerfed them a little bit hope its better now :+1:
yeah thats mb, added a circle for consistency ty
changed rhythm, ty
changed/added all the metadata you finded, ty for all of this !
removed it
added the new sample, ty !
added them all, thanks !
not stacked on purpose, like at 03:56:350 (1,1) -
fixed ty !
mb, will fix
a jamais dans nos coeurs.
i feel you
ok i did it
will do (ye mb for the insane)
thanks ! will do
i feel like 00:33:649 (1,2,3) - goes more circle - 1/2 slider - circle in term of rhythm with vocals so i changed to that (was 1/2 slider - circle - 1/2 slider originaly (and circle - 1/2 slider - 1/2 slider when you modded)) also converted 00:36:456 (3) - and 00:38:821 (3) - to a circle ty :3
alright, nice
holy thats alot of information search, ty alot to you and ernua for that ! i'll change everything and add tags after searching a bit about Jean Paul Makhlouf, ive seen that he is in the music group/band Cash Cash, so i least i have to put them in tags i suppose ?
hydrogen bomb
also the 2010 ranked set of the song uses a music that does not have the fading vocals, and the map as "(Intro ver.)'' map : so i atleast need something different i suppose
true thats mb, ty !
changed to a 1/2 reverse, ty!
centered 00:14:732 (1) - a bit, ty !
did not manage to do it for 00:08:821 (4) , but did it for all the others you pointed at
aggre for the emphasis on 00:33:353 (3) - , but it feels weird to read now no ? applied the change anyway
oops, fixed ty !
fixed, ty !
alr, 01:19:018 (2) - disabled this NC and added an NC on 01:19:314 (1) - for 01:20:348 (1) - , the NC is to tell te player that the rhythm is no longer 1/2, but 1/1
01:12:811 (1,2,3,4,5,6) is the same as 01:03:353 (1,2,3,4,5,6), which are really similar in terms of rhythm so i think the combos are fine
ok i tried something, you tell me if its fine, i like the idea but i feel like the map was nicer to look at the way i did
yeah good eye on that, applied the changes to all 3 diffs
on the official SEGA Europe youtube, the video as for title "Sonic Colours - Opening CGI", so i thought "Opening Ver.''would fit. i think "Intro ver.'' could maybe also work the part of the song where the vocals are backing/fading vocals(? idk whats the word for it) at 00:33:353 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4) - for exemple, is only on the Opening version of the game i think. also when searching for the song i find "(Opening theme)" alot video source :
ty for all the mods !
alright, changed
fixed, ty !
lowered the DS spacing on the map, ty !
moved the circle, ty
01:19:314 (3) - should i also NC this then ? for consistency on both
feels better indeed, ty !
glad you like it !
changed both
fixed ty !
ty alot about that, its not the first time people told me i lack of consistency with NC so all of this really help !
fixed, thats mb ty