Maybe, im a very slow mapper tho it might take me a bit. I'll let you know if i start making one tho :3
edit: changed my mind i will start making it, will prob take me a few days though
00:13:983 (7) - rhythm is also messed up here, maybe change the 7 to 1/4 slider and add an extra one like this 
Maybe change this red line 00:00:084 to 154 bpm to match the vocals and when the instrumental starts at 00:01:565 add another red line at 162 bpm.
Also don't forget to add a green line after the red one (maybe around here 00:01:935 at x0.40 bpm)
Np dude, just tell me here or dm me ingame if you need help or something. And if you want we could also add each other on discord and talk there. Good luck!!