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Sajinn's Modding History

no its ok
im following exclusively drums on this section i don't rly care about vocals
im following melody here i rly dont see why i should prio a clap, i'll keep it my way
slightly rearraged ye
i addded it ye
actually theres a distinct clap on 00:20:167 (1) - that makes me feel like this grouping is also valid, don't u hear it?
also its not as if the whole pattern sounded mega off, feel like guitar can almost be heard as 1/4, tbh its what i heard when i mapped this, its just u now making me realize its maybe 1/3 but idk feel like its alright right now i really dislike 1/3 especially on 01:16:482 (1,2,1,1,1) -
nah this is fine man, it still follows the guitar in its way and its pretty noticeable that it is what im doing it doesnt harm gameplay in any sense
making the momentum stop was actually my way to give this some impact in a way that isnt just giving it spacing i did ctrl g this 00:27:110 (1,2,3) - in order to give move spacing to the pattern so ig its better like that
do the first at least its 150% mapping quality buff
02:08:669 (1,2,3,4) - this too even if its more questionnable
03:16:786 (3) - this one can be too but i think its more w/e but u can if you want
00:42:354 (6) -
00:34:612 (4) -
this aint done
i like how it stops the motion, its my way to emphasis here, works well
ok buffed the stream but by still keeping the reference also buffed 02:33:821 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - for consistency
trying to emphasize with stacking instead so it stops the motion, feel like it works fine rn
wait im sure i can summon defreeray so i get same offset
yes sry this is for top
ye but spacing is so cramped idk, whatever then its ok
03:14:860 (10) -
or just simply remove hs from tail and leave it to normal on head
its fine im schizo trust
fixed first thingy as for how d-hn doesnt feel enough for you in the other instances, idk to me it feels fine and in my hsing logic i feel like using n-hn for the timestamps you mentionned wouldnt rly change much, d-hn doesnt feel weak to me did triples on insane and hard
can ask in bn serv before ranking
i hate videos
id really like to see smth like this where the guitar peak (and its tendency to go down in intensity) is well represented ![](
meh i think this suggestion is kinda irrelevant since rn player can clearly assume that 03:30:897 (2,3,4) - is 1/3 since airin introduces it with 03:30:603 (1) - however, i feel like what ur doing here with mapping passively the guitar peak on 03:30:603 (1) - with a reverse slider is soo sad and imo sacrificing the music here for playability sake is kinda lame i get that you dont want to brutally transition from 1/4th with 03:30:530 (5) - to 1/6 afterwards, but tbh the guitar here is so prominent that id love you to focus exclusively on it and just neglect 03:30:530 (5) -
ok review passed its fine
this sounds 1/4th to me and even if indeed it happens be to 1/7 (which i think rly isnt the case), i think you should still snap it to 1/4th for the sake of playability as the other ppl said but its up to you ig
01:03:459 (2) - kick on sliderend
00:22:919 (5,6) - ok for those 00:29:405 (5,6) - ok here but can u whistle 00:29:405 (5) - ? 00:48:054 (3,4) - i dont rly agree here, imo just delete 00:48:662 (4) - and use circle for 00:48:054 (3) - as i suggested originally
woooow bro ur going from cute kids playing in a landscape to this jesus ok lemme content review this thing
01:22:920 (2) -