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xKongou's Modding History

sebenernya dibikin kayak 00:19:371 (4,5,1) - nggak masalah, bisa juga 00:11:188 diisi, cuman krn ada suara yg lebih kuat ngemap vokal doang kurang enak ato kalo mau 00:11:462 (1) - sm objek sama di tempat lain dibikin 1/2 reverse
00:34:916 (6,7) - replace with reverse instead
00:26:179 (2,1) - stack these
00:15:086 (1,1,1) - spacing must be lowered because these have a different rhythm than the others
00:14:304 (2,1) - separate these two objects
00:06:023 (2,3) - the same intro part, i suggest stack these objects and separate 00:06:804 (1) so the difference of music is clear
sorry for late reply, disabled my osu notif thing xd but finished it
ok, fixed the DS
i mapped it like the top diff
that... i don't apply because it doesn't fit the rhythm choice i use for the entire map
same answer
the reason i keep it empty and mapped like that is because i wanna reduce difficulty weighted to that part (and it looks cool)
good point
imo the visual spacing i use in this map had no problem. maybe it's just your perspective
too fast for an outro, i'll stick to what it is
i decided to stack 01:23:909 (1,2) -
no, it can cause a bad flow
it is
i change some, but i kept 00:39:734 (3,4) because there's no vocals between them (and it visually looks like 00:35:199 (3,4,5)
i'll stick to 1/3 for the ease of gameplay
imo it flows with no problem. otherwise i use it for the map's idea
it's 1/3
03:37:948 (5,1) - follow the instrument if the vocals stopped
02:41:106 (1,1) - these also
04:09:843 (1,2,3) -
00:56:580 (3,1) -
i won't map with a different concept altogether as long as the song doesn't really supports the different ideas speaking of mapping concepts, there's a reason a mapper had their own style when mapping a song. like Mahiru Shiina said it's approachable to players with lower ranks besides, 1 map with different ideas doesn't really fit a "mapset" even if someone made GD for it
yes, im hard i want tiddies but no tiddies :<
i use 1/3 to follow the rest of the difficulty (except normal of course)
i did some adjustments while fixing #3631945
i un-NC some, but i do a little bit of change and not apply some
i found a better idea while fixing #3631747
ah well
not overlap it is
i originally wanna spice the density up by using a variable (but not really noticeable) DSes i'll reconsider it soon
can;t think of last diff name so i decided to think abt it later i will use a conventional diff name if i had 2 BNs
my bad